Katharina Schulze (Green): "The cynicism of Horst Seehofer pisses me off"


WORLD: Are the Greens among the winners of the Union's refugee policy conflict alongside the AfD?

Katharina Schulze: We are pleased that according to the polls, we are currently the second strongest force in Bavaria. But it's just a good first result. It will be settled during the state elections on October 14th.

WORLD: What do you think of the "Migration Masterplan" of the Minister of the Interior?

Schulze: The label "Masterplan" does not fit into this collection of ideas that is still not coordinated with coalition partners. Let's talk about Seehofer's position, it's more likely. After reading this document for the first time, what bothers me the most is that Seehofer does not talk about rescue at sea, fighting the causes of flight and the need to change our trade policy. It is a very one-dimensional document. Katharina Schulze, 33, is head of the Green fraction in the Bavarian state parliament and top candidate for state elections. “/>

Katharina Schulze, 33, is head of the Greens faction in the Bavarian State Parliament and Election of Landtag

Source: pa / Lino Mirgeler

WORLD: Do you also find good points?

Schulze: In this compilation, which shows only one direction, there is nothing good for me [19659004] WORLD: Do you consider that the proposed measures are feasible?

Schulze: The CSU strategy is irresponsible, harmful and does not work. In recent weeks it has become clear that UHC has no interest in strengthening Europe – on the contrary: it wants to weaken Europe. Horst Seehofer has still not understood that solutions must be provided jointly at the European level and not with a small, small government. He missed his job.

WORLD: The Union speaks of "change of asylum" in German politics. Do you see that – probably under different circumstances?

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  The CSU politician Markus Söder (51) is Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria since March 2018

Article by Markus Söder

Schulze: In recent years, following the grand coalition, the law on asylum has been cut and tightened several times, piece by piece. As a result, the number of refugees and the number of approved asylum applications are decreasing. The Seehofer position paper goes in the same direction, and if parts of it are implemented, it will be even harder for people in need to get help in Germany.

But it was really disturbing to see how a manageable challenge to politics exploded into a huge problem and that a government crisis was organized. Horst Seehofer has caused great damage to politics as a whole.

WORLD: What do you say Interior Minister Seehofer smiles at when 69 Afghans are expelled for his 69th birthday?

Schulze: Der The cynicism of Horst Seehofer pisses me off. Man reduces depressing human individual destinies to a number and – hurray, hurray: randomly his age. It's disgusting and lets you look deeply. What more can we say? The man is not equal to the office character. He must resign from his position as Minister of the Interior.

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  Horst Seehofer Minister of the Interior (CSU, l.) Is almost alone after the conflict of asylum, estimates Thomas Schmid

WORLD: How to start your election campaign of the state?

Schulze: Many people are upset that only one subject is discussed in politics. We will take care of the issues that are really important to the local people. Equal pay for affordable housing women for the rescue of bees as a symbol of increased species protection. And, of course, we are fighting against global warming, which also applies to Bayern in a very concrete way, as shown by the drought in northern Bavaria

WORLD: You stick to typically green subjects? Expect it to be an election campaign. It is a directional decision: CSU – small state, nationalism, retrograde narrowness or a pro-European, cosmopolitan, diverse, united and liberal Bavaria. The daily politics of CSU exclusion, defense, trial, all that Bayern did not deserve …

Seehofer wants a refugee agreement until August [19659024] The video could not be played. later still.

The asylum dispute within the Union has been resolved, but the difficult tasks begin with the implementation of the compromise. Horst Seehofer needs the approval of other EU countries. Among other things from Italy, but it can take.

Source: WELT / Eybe Ahlers

WORLD: CSU may need a coalition partner this fall. At the beginning of the year, the Greens were open to this, but recently you said that a coalition with CSU was no longer possible. Is that the case?

Schulze: It is important to differentiate: nothing has changed in our willingness to take responsibility for the country. I did not go into politics to die in beauty out of the way but to shape it.

What has changed at the moment, however, is that the CSU has left the democratic center. She moved to the right, she demolished the Democrats' firewall on the right. The CSU, or rather part of the CSU leadership, wants another country. Markus Söder calls for the end of multilateralism. It does not work with us, the Greens. Just as CSU works, we can not do anything with them. I can only appeal to the CSU:

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  Manfred Weber, 45, is vice-president of the CSU and head of the EPP group in the European Parliament

WORLD: Think you know that it's still possible?

Schulze: I am neither a couple therapist, nor am I aware of their anxiety disorders. For the Greens, it is clear that we remain true to our understanding of value-based politics.

WORLD: Does this mean that if the CSU returns to its belt, can the Greens talk about cooperation or coalitions? ] Nothing has changed in our willingness to take responsibility. And our goals are clearly in the campaign program filed, very solid with funding proposals. But we need a responsible partner for that. The CSU is in the train. He must return to the democratic center to be able to speak

WORLD: Who would have more difficulty to explain the black-green of his own base: you or Söder?

Schulze: It happens on what constitution the potential partner is right now. And what you accepted. I appreciate that my party is visionary and pragmatic at the same time. She knows that compromises are part of a democracy. That's what the Greens showed during the Jamaican negotiations. We have not made our way as a Christian Lindner.

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