Kettler Insolvency: The Foundation reaches its limits


Werl / Ense / Arnsberg – In a dramatic struggle for the future of leisure maker Kettler, the Heinz Kettler Foundation has run into insurmountable limits under the law of foundations. This is how the Arnsberg district government is determined by the oversight of the foundations

Thus, attempts to push the black Peter to prove unfit.

Of course, this is not the stage with which the supervisory authority takes a position. If the spokesman for the Foundation, Andreas Sand, in the scoreboard and in a full press release, says that the Foundation's compromise proposal has not been accepted by investors, this is not the case. is only half of the story. The fact is that these investors – the group Altera Capital – have not commented on the proposal of the foundation. "It's a bad style," Sand says.

A few weeks ago, the spokesperson of the Foundation, during a conversation with our newspaper, feared that the investor would again be involved in Kettler's bankruptcy in order to be able to return to the bank. use at a lower cost. A fear that could have become reality.

In recent weeks, the district government has been heavily involved in negotiations and negotiations, and has also examined the framework conditions agreed in the contract between the investor and the GmbH. In the end, the Arnsberg Authority is convinced that the Heinz Kettler Foundation has "kept its law". From the point of view of foundation oversight, the foundation acted "in all respects understandable". "There was no room for maneuver," says RP spokesman Benjamin Hahn. "Other grants from the foundation would have required financial security from the investor," Hahn adds. But they were missing.

Foundation Board member, Andreas Sand, said that until the end, it was not clear if "and in what amount the money should be invested". Instead, it became clear during the talks, "that the required agreement would result in charges to the Heinz Kettler Foundation of the order of about 40 million euros," Sand writes. The CEO recalls that the Foundation "made the investor search process possible in 2017" by making available "just under € 8 million and deferred payments by Kettler GmbH". An offer to buy the foundation for the GmbH did not give it, sandblast. On the contrary, the investor had "more … problematic, unacceptable conditions."

Thus, the foundations in the United Kingdom and the United States should sell their own trademark rights for the purchase price of 1 € and … pay if they wanted to continue using the mark Kettler "Opaque another transaction that describes Andreas Sand.Subsequently, the foundation should" allegedly for debt relief Kettler GmbH "a claim from the bank of the amount of 17 million euros for the same worth to acquire then resell to a company based in the British Virgin Islands for a purchase price of 2 euros. "A cover of this payment by a bank guarantee was rejected by investors," writes Sand.

Meanwhile, the management of the GmbH strives to spread optimism.With the "Capital Altera" at its side, it will be possible to start soon, is badured. </ P> <p> The investor is committed to providing a two-figure million.

Manpower of 730 people is currently very precarious. In discussions, employees express concern that the investor might actually "only go for lucrative trademark rights". The commitment of the investor, the places of production and jobs in Werl and Ense are guaranteed, the mistrust after several weeks of uncertainty, not some employees.

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