Kiel: Daniel Guenther waits in a government statement with CSU – SPD applauds



Government Statement Günther settles for CSU – The SPD applauds

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Günther sits with CSU – The SPD applauds

For his confession to Europe and his human refugee policy, Günther was applauded by SPD and SSW. Schleswig-Holstein remains cosmopolitan and tolerant, he said: "We help people in need."

The Jamaican coalition in Schleswig-Holstein has been in office for a year. Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) holds a government statement in which he does not leave a good hair at the CSU. Even Ralf Stegner applauds.

E is a time when old certainties count for little. Not just in sports, where England suddenly wins penalties and Germany does not even dream of the semifinals. Even in politics, observers sometimes have to pinch those days, so they also believe what they hear or see. This Wednesday in Kiel, there was still time.

Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) announced a statement by the government on the state of his state after a year of government of Jamaica; "Schleswig-Holstein keeps the course!" Has the badociated manuscript been overwritten? Günther immediately put it aside. Instead of a government statement, the Prime Minister made a statement with the current appearance of the parties of the Union in Berlin. The heated dispute between the two CDU and CSU sister couples had only intensified the country's "political disenchantment".

Not ready to accept the "oddities" of the CSU

Günther did not put on his 14 minutes Philippika Christsozialen, whose appearance in the crisis of asylum, the 44-year-old prime minister had criticized again and again in recent weeks. And not only in view of the recent asylum crisis, which the CSU had triggered from Günther's point of view, for no reason or exclusively with regard to the Bavarian state elections. According to Günther, even the previous statement that the rule of law no longer works in Germany was at the same time "a program of economic recovery for the populists".

The Prime Minister also set his sights on the pharisaic appearance of the Bavarian Union at the federal level. It was therefore not important for Seehofer and Söder to inform the Union or even the whole country of a master plan that no one, other than the two or a few other great personalities of the CSU, know about. "Oddities", Günther reluctantly, "I'm no longer willing to accept."

interrupted Günther's speech in which he described the laboriously-found compromise between the parties of the Union as "pseudo solution", yet and still a lot of applause. and at the end of his speech, especially in the ranks of the SPD. Even the chairman of their group, Ralf Stegner, who does not miss the opportunity to enumerate the political opponent, regularly applauds the head of the government. An image with a rarity value in the Kieler Landtag, where it has always been more robust and not particularly delicate.

Images of the Common Enemy Lead Together

Social Democrat Stegner had to scramble Wednesday to convince Christian Democrat Günther to go beyond criticism of the Union for the moment. Stegner described the master plan of Seehofer as "farce" and "disrespect", the European Union itself as an "unprecedented spectacle", the approach of the CSU in the debate over the 39, asylum as "hostage to a whole country"; Images and reproaches, which could have come from Günther. They have worked well together in recent days, the head of government praised the opposition leader. Common enemy images such as the "Söder mini-Trumps, Seehofer and Dobrindt" (his original Ralf Stegner) can also bring together political opponents

"Schleswig-Holstein", faction leader of the FDP Christopher Vogt summarizes the situation of the nation. Kiel's parts together, was a good "counter-model to the Berlin riot coalition". According to Mr Vogt, the Minister of the Interior, Seehofer (CSU), has not solved a single problem and, instead, it poses bigger problems. Unlike Berlin, CDU's House Leader Tobias Koch has helped his FDP alliance partner, making the Jamaican government of Kiel a "safe haven". Environmentist colleague Eka von Kalben, third in the Jamaican league, finally thanked her head of government for being moved for her appearance. She was "so happy with this speech – thank you from the bottom of my heart."

A rare and very large unit in Kiel. In this regard, it was almost rebaduring that at least AfD leader, Jörg Nobis, had met all expectations and castigated the "reckless policy" of Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as the "warping" from the Prime Minister. "You need a 180-degree refugee policy," Nobis demanded, turning to the government bank. At least in Schleswig-Holstein, this will not happen so far in the foreseeable future.

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