Kramp-Karrenbauer: The argumentation in the asylum dispute was "totally unworthy"



Kramp-Karrenbauer The presentation of the dispute over the asylum was "totally unworthy"

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  Already a potential successor to Merkel: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer   Already traded as a possible successor to Merkel: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Already traded as a possible successor to Merkel: Annegret Kramp- Karrenbauer [19659009] Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Three weeks ago, the asylum dispute was settled for the moment. The general secretary of the CDU, Kramp-Karrenbauer, says that the base does not understand the style of the argument. Other politicians in the Union are also critical.

C Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Secretary General of the AU, returns on the end of the quarrel within the Union about the rejection of asylum seekers at the border – and adopts a critical point of view. The tone with which the dispute was waged was a "totally unworthy" bourgeois conservative party, she said in an interview with the newspaper "Bild". "Nobody understands this at the grbadroots level."

But she believes participants are now aware of this, she continued. The asylum dispute also took place not only between the CDU and the CSU, but also between the two parties.

After a long struggle, the grand coalition had agreed in early July that the refugees would be rejected at the border, already in an asylum seeking asylum in another EU country. In addition, there are bilateral negotiations with other EU states. However, Seehofer still threatens to go it alone in Germany.

In recent weeks, Secretary General Kramp-Karrenbauer has traveled the country as part of a "listening tour" and has spoken with members of the CDU. She wanted to gather ideas for a political program. At "the picture" she said now that many have complained to the party's base, "that the state is giving itself rules and does not conform even or very differently". This feeling must be taken into account

Other politicians of the Union are also critical

Kramp-Karrenbauer is not the only one in the Union to criticize three weeks after the provisional agreement in the Union. Schleswig-Holstein Education Minister Karin Prien told WELT: "The way in which asylum litigation has been conducted in its language and style, but also in its content, by example to a nationalist course of foreclosure and the questioning of multilateralism and party members doubt that the Union is really still in the middle. "The conflict led to a" great paralysis "and too much frustration in the party base.

See also

Even the CDU opposition leader from Rhineland-Palatinate, Christian Baldauf, showed little understanding of the style of the conflict. "This is not how you treat each other," he said. In this regard, however, he agreed with Horst Seehofer and was in favor of temporary national measures, if no European solution was found. "

Meanwhile, the CSU continues to advocate for a stricter asylum policy." At the beginning of the week, the Federal Minister of Transport, Andreas Scheuer, called for a more gradual withdrawal.

CSU and CDU agreed on these key points

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CDU and CSU have found a compromise in the asylum dispute They now want to set up transit centers for refugees already registered in other countries of the world. EU on the German-Austrian border.

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