Künzelsau: 70-year-old strangled boys – trial begins in Heilbronn | waz.de


Elisabeth S. has been caring for Ole for a long time. When he goes to school, meetings are fewer. Then the 70-year-old woman strangles the child.

Boys strangled 70 years – trial begins in Heilbronn

Jens T. still remembers how his son spent two years in his crook. "We had a big window on the street, and then I often stayed there with him in my arms and we watched." When retired Elisabeth S. arrived on the street, little Ole was very excited.

"He was always so happy that I could hardly hold him back." The chemistry between his son and the older woman had just voted. When the parents had gone out, she took care of the child. "He always called his grandmother," said the father.

Ole Künzelsau would now be eight years old, continue to learn to swim, meet friends, build castles. But the babysitter, who had such good relations with the child, was accused in Heilbronn High Court, head down. Her white hair also covers her cheeks and moves when she cries in her handkerchief.

No characteristic of murder such as betrayal or greed

The 70-year-old woman allegedly strangled the boy on April 27 this year at her home in Künzelsau and then put her in a full bathroom. According to the prosecutors, the woman could not bear that the meetings with Ole are more and more rare and it was very painful for Elisabeth S.

But do you kill the other people's child by desire? The court wants to know that over the next seven days of negotiations. At the beginning of the trial in Heilbronn, the president of the court, Roland Kleinschroth, told the defendants: "They killed a human being without being a murderer". In the absence of such characteristics as treason or greed, the charge is for murder.

The law to be negotiated here is no less monstrous: the parents went to a concert in April, gave the child as often as the old lady, bought for both takeaway. The next morning, they wanted to pick up their child when the mother found him dead in the bath of Elisabeth S.

Defendant refuses to give information

"The cry of my wife, I will not forget my life," says Jens T. He carried the dead in the living room. The lawyer hit the wall and shouted "My son!" The defendant was first hidden in a forest and was arrested the next day.

The parents are taken to court. Susanne T. applies only once in the direction of the accused: "Elisabeth, can you please tell us why?"

But the retired nurse refuses any information on the first day of the trial. The widow has an adult son in Munich but is childless. Ole quickly took on the role of a grandson in his life.

Elisabeth S. was to celebrate her 70th birthday in prison, says her lawyer. On the record she said, "She wants to slip into a hole."

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