Land Berlin must pay compensation to teachers


A Muslim woman was not taken to the Berlin School Service – because of her headscarf. A court has now decided in the sense of the plaintiff.

Once again, the state of Berlin has to compensate a Muslim woman because she has not been taken care of because of her headscarf. The state labor court on Tuesday granted the woman a monthly salary and a half. These are, according to a spokesman, 5 159 euros. She was at a disadvantage because of her religion.

However, the court did not question the Berlin Neutrality Act, which prohibits police officers, magistrates and teachers of general education from wearing printed clothing to religion. It was constitutionally interpretable. In the particular case, however, the headscarf, the court, has not recognized any particular danger for school peace or state neutrality. The lower court had rejected the complaint of the woman who still invoked the right of neutrality. Berlin wants to appeal the judgment in the Federal Labor Court, announced the country's lawyer, Seyran Ates.

Application as a newcomer

The applicant had applied as a newcomer for a job at a high school, high school or vocational school. For the vocational high school, for which the law of neutrality, unlike the general schools, does not apply, the candidate was rejected by referring to other candidates more apt. For other types of school, she has not received an offer.

According to the court, this must be considered discrimination on religious grounds. As in the job interview, he had gone from the beginning up to his headscarf.

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