Landtag election Hesse: black-green government defends majority gossamer – Live ticker


Klöckner and Weber promote loyalty to their allies

A day before the elections in Hessen, where polls from the CDU and the SPD show that one should expect mbadive losses of votes, political leaders of the Union have warned against a break in GroKo. The vice-president of the CDU, Julia Klöckner (CDU), declared that the Union and the SPD are in any case "obliged to govern our country for four years". CSU Vice President Manfred Weber warned: "The grand coalition must hold up," which was central to the question of whether Germany remained stable.

During the election campaign, there was always talk about the fact that the provincial parties could not sufficiently regulate the grand coalition within the federation and were demolished by their bad appearance. Therefore, the result of national elections is also of great importance for GroKo in Berlin. However, Klöckner said that even in case of heavy losses in the election of Hessen, the Union and the SPD would be "in the vote of the voters". At the same time, in the Rheinische Post, she criticized the image that some parts of the grand coalition had created in the past, "optimizing for the least". The Minister of Agriculture has asked the Union and the SPD to talk more about their joint successes in order to better communicate the work of voters.

Weber warned in the newspapers of the media group Funke: "If the grand coalition after the Hessian election falters, the popular parties lose their trust." But it was not only important for Germany that the Union and the SPD take their responsibilities. "If Berlin were shaking, it would affect all of Europe – especially in this time of uncertainty," said the EPP Group President in the European Parliament. He appealed to the coalition partners: "Finally stop with the transfer of responsibilities and govern reasonably."

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