Landtag Election in Hesse: winners of the dark green elections (


Cheers about the best result ever recorded in Hesse: the Green Election Party in Wiesbaden.

Cheers about the best result ever recorded in Hesse: the Green Election Party in Wiesbaden.

Photo: dpa / Uwe Anspach

Shouting cheers in the Greens, as announced the first forecast of the election result at 18 hours. The party comes to just under 20% – and thus enters their best result in Hesse. Compared with the 2013 elections, the party has almost doubled. At that time they cut with 11.1 percent.

Hessen has never been so green before, "said Green Party President Annalena Baerbock in a first reaction on the preliminary result." The climate crisis has arrived in central Germany. "The Greens come to show Hesse that they were providing answers and did not pose any problems, for example, she mentioned the good connection of buses and trains in rural areas.

But if the result was sensational for the Greens, the wait is not over yet. Because even if they had been formally formulated, the Greens had probably hoped for an even stronger performance – before the SPD. And if that's not enough, it's not quite the end of the election night. At present, the SPD and the Greens only divide a few fractions of a point. In Parliament, they could even be equal if you convert their results into seats. "The evening will be long," said Hessian Green's candidate Priska Hinz.

He is also waiting, because we do not know yet which alliance is sufficient for the end. It may be that only Jamaica is possible at the end of the night of the elections, a GroKo and even a black-green coalition are still possible. The Greens have excluded no alliance except with the AfD. "The content we fought for must be the focus of all the discussions we will have now," Green Hinz said.

However, other cautious hopes seem to have been wiped out on the eve of the elections. Car powered by Bayern's tailwind, waberte has again and again the idea of ​​a Green-Red-Red Alliance led by Green Tarek Al-Wazir via Hesse. Although the Greens preferred 2013 in a black-green coalition than in a red-red-green alliance disappeared. Intergovernmental cooperation with the CDU was then considered extremely positive. But if there had been a chance for a left alliance this time, the Greens would probably have flirted – at least they could have asked the Prime Minister. This long-awaited change in progressive politics is now a game of mind, it is not enough mathematically enough for that.

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