Large factory fire: A cloud of toxic smoke has moved to Lippstadt |


Large-scale operation in Lippstadt: a factory fire caused rain of Styrofoam particles, a cloud of toxic smoke invades the city

A fire in a factory: a cloud of toxic smoke invades Lippstadt [19659004] A cloud of poisoned smoke rose above the city. Residents should not touch the soot particles, warned the firefighters Friday morning. The biggest danger is currently caused by polystyrene particles raining all over the city, a police spokesman said. At first, there were no wounded.

The fire was reported late Thursday night. A hard foam treatment plant in the park had already been completely on fire when firefighters arrived. Shortly after, one room completely collapsed, another half, following damage to gas, gas cylinders and a damaged gas tank – the task force should have stopped the extinction half an hour after the start of operations. Air increased

During firefighting, Styrofoam particles, as well as the cloud of smoke, rose in the air, but did not completely burn said the police spokesman. Finally, they rained. Citizens should not touch them – particles are harmful to health. The dangerous cloud not only crosses Lippstadt, but has already reached places in the Wadersloh district, said the early morning fire department.

Meanwhile, the fire department was able to extinguish the fire so far that the cloud of smoke had narrowed. Ventilation and outdoor living are still possible. However, firefighters warn of the dangers and pollution caused by fire residues. Playgrounds should not be used, fruits and vegetables from the garden should not be eaten.

App "Nina" warned citizens against pollutants

About 350 working groups fought the flames at night and in the morning. ABC measurement trains supported firefighters' emergency services and measured pollutant values ​​throughout the city. Public announcements and the warning application "Nina" have warned the public – citizens should keep windows and doors closed and shut off the ventilation systems to protect themselves from polluting smoke.

"We are currently working on how we do it" The spokesman for the police. The chemistry experts, in collaboration with the staff of the National Agency for the Environment and the ABC, would consider ways to get the parts out of the city. "The mission will probably take care of us all day long." (dpa)

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