Lawrence Simons: Graduate of eight-year-old high school and now wants to study



Lawrence Simons Graduates of eight years of high school and eager to study

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  Lawrence Simons holds a high school diploma - at an age when the others are still in elementary school   Lawrence Simons holds a degree in "high school". high school - at an age when others are still in elementary school

Lawrence Simons holds a high school diploma – at an age when others are still in elementary school [19659009] Source: youtube / NOS Jeugdjournal / Screenshot World

While other children are still learning to read and write, Laurent Simons of the Belgian city of Bruges is already preparing for graduation. Now, with only eight years, he holds the certificate in his hands.

M Six-year-old Belgian eight-year-old Lawrence Simons graduated from elementary school and went to high school. In a year and a half, he then ran through the six school years scheduled. Now he graduated from high school. With 18 years old. Belgium celebrates its new genius euphorically: the super-boy from Bruges is in the headlines of the world and is already marketed under the name of Newton or Einstein.

He was bored at elementary school, said Lawrence at his first press conference. The teachers always took as long to answer students' questions – that's why he often jumped on them.

The boy is considered highly gifted with an IQ of at least 145. You can not achieve more points in an IQ test – this has broken the scale. About two and a half percent of people in the world have an IQ of over 130 and thus meet the requirements of giftedness.

His son had problems with other children, said father Alexander Simons at RTBF. Laurent sometimes did not even know how certain games run. The child is particularly interested in learning.

His favorite subject is mathematics. It's so versatile, the eight-year-old's enthusiasm enthusiasts: "There are statistics, geometry and algebra, as many different orientations." [19659016] Read also

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Laurent waits two months. After the holidays, he can then start studying. The discipline he chooses is not yet clear: his parents must first sift through the many offers of Belgian and foreign universities, who would like to welcome the boy.

Laurent himself would like to become a dear surgeon or astronaut, he had already announced at the age of six. His father would support him in everything, he says – even though his son changes his mind and prefers to coach as a carpenter: "The essential thing is that he's happy . "

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