Layoffs at General Motors: Trump faces stoppage of grant


Layoffs at General Motors

President Trump is disappointed by the planned closure of genetically modified plant plants in three US states. He wants to reduce government subsidies.

Donald Trump points to the camera

"… and it's THANK YOU" – Trump criticized GM on Twitter Photo: ap

WASHINGTON ap | US President Donald Trump has threatened General Motors to thwart planned job cuts by ending state subsidies. He was "very disappointed" with the US automaker's decision to close factories in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland. tweeted Trump on Tuesday, "In Mexico and China, nothing is closed." In 2008, Trump added, "The United States has saved General Motors, and that's what we receive."

He also directed his displeasure against GM boss Mary Barra. The White House is now considering "removing all GM subsidies", including those granted to electric cars, threatened Trump. The automaker put China on a large scale years ago by building factories there (and Mexico). "Do not think this bet will work, I'm here to protect American workers!" Continued Trump.

GM strives to smooth the waves

The day before, General Motors announced the closure of five plants and the elimination of 14,000 jobs in North America. The job cuts are severely affecting the Midwest, to which Trump has often promised an industrial resurrection.

When Trump wants to make his first threatened measurements, he first remained open. In addition, one may wonder if he would have authority for such actions without congressional consent.

GM tried to appease the White House, but defended deforestation at the same time. The group appreciates the government's action in favor of the industry, which aims to improve the competitiveness and place of production of the United States. However, many workers threatened with losing their jobs could switch to another GM plant, where production is intensified, said company spokesman Patrick Morrissey.

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