Left and right in Germany want to wear "yellow west"


Germany protest movement

"Yellow West" – Wagenknecht seems envious for France

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Events intensified in Paris this weekend Events intensified in Paris this weekend

Events intensified in Paris this weekend

Source: Getty Images / Chesnot

In fact, it was the price of fuel: the French movement of the "Yellow West" was originally neither marked on the left nor marked on the right. Nevertheless, she has apparently fascinated both sides – now also in this country.

reThe French protest movement "Yellow West", which has shattered France for weeks, seems to have been well received in Germany – both left and right.

Demonstrations in the neighboring country have ignited high fuel prices and the diesel environmental tax, which is due to come into effect on 1 January. Meanwhile, however, the protests have long been fueled by widespread resentment over the reform policy of French President Emmanuel Macron. The "yellow vests" are not satisfied with their overall financial situation – see themselves as relegated. Hundreds of thousands of people have participated in the protests since mid-November.

The move, named after the car's safety vests, is vast and diffuse, with no union or political party behind.

Wagenknecht sees a "model" for Germany

In Germany, the Bundestag leader of the left, Sahra Wagenknecht, hailed the movement as a model. "I think it's okay, when people fight back and protest, when politics worsens their lives – increases in the price of gasoline are essential for commuters," said Wagenknecht, Germany's editorial network. .

In Germany, there are lessons to be learned. "We are taking far too many bad governments." And: "Of course, I would like to see stronger demonstrations in Germany against a government that cares more about the interests of business lobbyists than ordinary citizens.But France is different.France is still much more spontaneous. "

AfD President Jörg Meuthen has taken protests in the neighboring country in an article published on the website of the AfD district badociation in Bielefeld, to criticize the policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel on refugees and the United Nations pact on migration. He sees "the current conditions in France" as a reminder for Germany. In this country, the discontent of people is similar.

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The French middle clbad

Also in France, protesters receive support from the far right and the left. Right-wing populist Marine Le Pen does not hide his support for the movement and incites the protesters. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a left-wing politician, talks about the "most progressive form of mbad action in our country" which, he says, could pave the way for a revolution.

Right groups call for demonstrations

In this country, there are now apparently the first imitators. Left-wing Internet activists report that members of the "Identity Movement" on the right side of Youtube videos would suddenly wear yellow vests. On Facebook, several closed groups should emulate and exploit the French movement. According to information from the "Neue Westfälische", these right-wing groups are also mobilizing against the high price of fuel. However, these are mainly hate crimes against refugees and migrants.

In the streets was visible in this country until now, but little. It is true that in recent days, inhabitants of the Yellow West have already invaded the streets of several German cities. "Hamburg Online" reported a small, unannounced protest that had been disbanded by the police. However, apparently, they were still small groups.

For the next weekend, new events are planned, to which probably more participants are expected. The observer's blog, AfD-Watch, refers to an article from the right-wing Facebook group "Patrioten NRW", which calls for a great demo in the Yellow West on December 8th. As indicated by the "NRZ", the font has an application corresponding to about 2000 participants.

In France, meanwhile, the government is trying to approach the protesters by proposing an announced course of correction of the energy policy. But the movement wants to remain faithful to their protests – this Saturday, it will be demonstrated again on the Champs-Elysees.

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