Leipzig: Völkerschlachtdenkmal protest against refugee deaths in the Mediterranean


With a huge poster at the Battle of Leipzig, opponents of a seizure of Saturday Europe became aware of the humanitarian catastrophe in the Mediterranean. At the monument they left a fabric of about 10 meters by 20 with the inscription "How many corpses enter the Mediterranean Sea?" Down. According to the Leipzig Police Department, several young people initially had tickets normal for a visit to the monument.Then they lowered the poster of the first level of the building.There were only a few minutes to see.Young people were able to flee before the arrival of the police

This Sunday , a demonstration is planned in the district of Neustadt in Dresden for rescuers "Lifeline", whose captain must be tried in court in Malta.

For the fifth year in a row, more than 1500 migrants do not have survived the crossing of the Mediterranean towards Europe, as shown by the figures of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) .In his opinion, the road between Libya and Italy is the most dangerous – one in 19 people dies in trying to overcome them.

On Thursday, students from the Munich Film School made a signal against the asylum policy of the CSU. They showered themselves with water and went to bed "dead" on the ground to draw attention to the refugees who died in the Mediterranean.

Video: Students surprise Markus Söder in protesting asylum policy

Students of HFF Munich

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