Lidl does not want to sell a gin to a couple because their children are minors


Waterlooville –

The married couple Jackie Chandler (41) and Gary Sprake (43) of the English company Waterlooville still can not believe what happened to them at a Lidl store.

In a really normal store, they were exposed by the supermarket staff. The reason for this incident is also more than ridiculous.

Even in retrospect, the couple remains completely speechless because it could never happen to this situation. They just wanted to buy a gin for a party with friends with their two daughters (14 and 11 years old). While they were standing at the checkout, the problem began.

Lidl does not want to sell a gin to a couple

Because the discounter's cashier did not want to sell their liquor, Jackie and Gary remember the newspaper "The Sun".

Lidl's employee should have insisted on seeing his identity card. "We were shocked because we thought he was talking about us.When we found out that he was talking about our daughter, I doubted that he was serious," recalls the 41-year-old client. .

Krbades Video: Lidl opens a branch and people go crazy (read here)

The married couple pointed out that, as adults, they wanted to buy alcohol and that they would never allow their children to drink even a sip of gin.

But it was obviously not a mistake. The employee continued to refuse to give him alcohol. "It makes no difference, the children must also identify", then should have answered the employee.

Lidl official calls police

The situation seemed to be wrong. Even a manager was called. His reaction was surprising. He stood behind the cashier, refusing to return the alcohol and asked the family to leave the store.

The store manager even called the police. However, she was of a different opinion and did not understand the uprising at all. "The officer I talked to later could not believe he was called for such a trivial matter and we did not do anything wrong," says Gary.

"Lidl should be ashamed," he says. "I wonder where this rule is written."

Meanwhile, the discounter continues to defend the cashier's behavior against the "Sun". "We have the legal and moral obligation to ensure that no alcohol is sold to underage customers – not even by an underlying sale."


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