Lidl sells the Thermomix clone: ​​customers cause incredible turmoil


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Lidl sold an alternative to the Thermomix in an action. But what followed was chaos – the supermarket was not up to the attack.

Neckarsulm / Paris – Lidl regularly sells fruit, bread and coffee. For example, the supermarket recently sold designer bags, smartphones and even cheap cars. But for now, Lidl had a product that was causing a lot of problems – it was sold in a very short time.

Totally tumultuous scenes took place for a special Lidl offer for the kitchen. It was a food processor, which should make life easier for all Lidl customers.

Lidl's customers tear themselves apart around the Thermomix clone

The "Monsieur Cuisine Connect" kitchen machine, which can be used to knead dough, mix soups and prepare smoothies, has caused some boredom. Customers in France have been torn apart over the advantageous product of Lidl's branches.

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In a video, you can see the chaos at a Lidl branch: customers tear themselves up around cartons, stacking them partly in each other's baskets. In no time, the food processor was completely sold – Lidl could have sold a lot more food processors. In social networks, customers have expressed anger. "I wanted such a food processor for my vacation home, but just minutes after the store opened, everything was gone," said one woman on Twitter, for example.

Burger also caused a rush to Lidl

It is only recently that Lidl in Germany has been disappointed by the disappointed faces of his customers. Was sold the Beyond Beef Burger, purely vegetarian, which should have a much better taste than previous burgers. But Lidl had probably miscalculated: in a short time, customers did not find burgers in many parts of the Lidl branch.

And in another supermarket, customers are surprised. When buying fruit, Aldi wants to change something important. But Aldi Nord must also face a product recall: jeans for children suffocate.


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* is part of the Ippen-Digital-Zentralredaktion

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