Litigation CSU / CDU – Seehofer contradicts Merkel: wide at an internal meeting


The dispute over the rejection of asylum seekers at the German border divides the Union. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer are at a dead end. This Sunday, a decision should be made – but now the situation worsens again. Follow the developments in the news ticker of FOCUS Online

  • Seehofer announced a personal statement
  • Summer interview: Five messages that Merkel sends the day of the decision
  • The showdown in the Union – so it goes on: Since 5 pm the presidium of the CDU meets, at 7 pm the executive committee of the CDU meets. Prime Minister Markus Söder and Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther will speak on the evening of Anne Will's program. Horst Seehofer also announced a statement after the current meeting of the CSU. The exact time is still not clear.

What has happened today: Horst Seehofer, the leader of the CSU, intensified the confrontation with the CDU and critically evaluated the results of the EU negotiations. with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). They are not equivalent to the requirements of checks and discharges of the CSU at the border, said Sunday the Federal Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the CSU Council in Munich. He contradicted the Chancellor. Merkel had recently announced her plans in the ZDF summer interview. It remains to be seen if a solution to the conflict could be found on Sunday, which threatens the existence of the coalition.

18.17: From the CSU meeting, almost nothing escapes from the outside. Tender waiting. And so the leaders of the CDU are in the absurd situation that they must discuss, without knowing in which direction the drift is going. Incidentally, the Greens' experts are sure that in the event of a case, the leaders would be ready to join a coalition led by Angela Merkel.

Dobrindt continues to demand unilateral rejection in a CSU session

18.07: CSU National Group Chief Alexander Dobrindt supported on the CSU board of directors and in front of the members of the CSU- Bundestag Landesgruppe rejected by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) the rejections of some refugees at the German borders. "We must now show that we are ready to support European solutions, but we are also ready to implement national measures," Dobrindt said, according to participants at the CSU meeting in Munich on Sunday

. the credibility of our policy, "said Dobrindt, who reiterated his view that the solution negotiated at the EU summit should be included in such national measures.

According to Dobrindt, the relevant Council decision badumes also that the number of refugees will increase again. "If a political proposal means that we end up with more applicants than less, that only produces more interrogation points." It should not be the signal that It will be easier to get asylum procedure in Germany, warned the CSU-Landesgruppenchef

18.00 hours: CSU FOCUS session report participants Online, content was "essentially" all the same opinion as Seehofer, and at the same time, it means that in terms of the continuation of the action of the CSU, there are obviously different points of view. d u CSU FOCUS Council Online, there is also much discussion about the danger to the government.

17:41: Everything seems possible at the present time, including a resignation Seehofers. Extraordinary: Mike Mohring, the head of the Thuringian CDU, has already explained on Twitter how a resignation of a minister would occur.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt, leader of the Green Party, spontaneously arrives at "Anne Will"

17:32: Katrin Göring-Eckardt, leader of the Greens parliamentary group, will also be invited to "Anne Will" tonight. The first speculations that she could spontaneously express her desire to form a coalition with the CDU seem currently far-fetched. Because she just rebelled violently about a "federal government, which is just trying to move refugees away." One thing is certain, if the CSU left this coalition, they would no longer have the majority

17.08: Meanwhile, the CDU party committee also met for their meeting. There is a tense atmosphere in front of the CDU headquarters. The former Federal Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière, and the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, express themselves without saying a word to the Konrad-Adenauer-Haus. Normally, he likes to comment on the political situation. Daniel Günther, for example, says that he still believes in good. Deputy head of the CDU, Volker Bouffier, speaks briefly on his way to Konrad-Adenauer-Haus. He would have been convinced of the results that Merkel brought from Brussels, praising the CSU's share and convening the Union's unity. "It would be unwise to hear uncontrolled national measures."

Seehofer announced a personal statement in a meeting CSU

16:59: Horst Seehofer is expected to announce a personal statement for the end of the meeting CSU have. He told the participants according to the circles, to stay until the end. What he could claim to be his person, but initially remained completely unclear. This causes speculation in Berlin politics, if Seehofer could possibly announce his resignation. FDP leader Christian Lindner tweets: "In Berlin, the rumors about CSU, Seehofer and Merkel have turned around Why not wait and see I believe in reason – and climbing, only if it were there. "

16:54, CSU Headquarters in Munich: At the CSU headquarters in Munich, journalists wait for Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer to appear in front of the press. The technicians have just reconstructed the stage: there are only two chairs and two microphones before there are five to six. This may indicate that only one other person, such as a spokesperson, attends the press conference. In fact, it was expected that several CSU management representatives would appear in front of the press.

Seehofer: "I am going to Berlin specially, and the Chancellor moves to zero zero point"

16:16: According to "Bild" Journal Seehofer also counts on a personal level with Merkel. He called the crisis meeting on Saturday night an "ineffective conversation". VIP News learned from CSU circles that Seehofer also said: "I'm driving in addition to Berlin, and the Chancellor is moving zero point zero."

Seehofer rejects Merkel's proposal at anchor centers

15.52: In the Union asylum dispute, the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) rejects the proposal of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) Refugees registered in the EU in Germany in so-called anchored centers. He told it Sunday at a meeting of the CSU in Munich, as learned from the German press agency of the participating circles Seehofer n & # 39; 39, calling for effective European results

15:51: Asylum dispute Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) gave the EU a very critical badessment the results of Chancellor Angela Merkel's (CDU) European negotiations. They did not correspond to border controls and border rejections, he said Sunday at a meeting of the CSU, as learned from the German press agency of the participating circles [19659010] Seehofer directly contradicted Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). When asked if the CSU demands are met, the CDU leader had already stated in the recording of her ZDF summer interview: "In the sum of all we have decided in total, it is the same effect. "

At separate meetings of party leadership councils, the CDU and CSU are discussing Sunday the ongoing dispute over new regulations on immigration policy.

Circles: Seehofer distributes the asylum plan to the CSU [19659009] 15:22: In the asylum litigation of the Union parties, Seehofer presented to the council of asylum Administration of the CSU's secret master plan on refugee policy. The document was distributed at the beginning of the meeting Sunday in Munich, was reported by the participating circles. Seehofer said that the master plan shows what content belonged to a serious asylum policy.

On video: Despite the asylum conflict: The AfD loses 2% – The Union and the SPD develop

Seehofer goes without saying to the CSU

14.55: Without any comment to journalists waiting, the Federal Minister of the Interior and party leader, Horst Seehofer, went Sunday to the headquarters of the CSU in Munich for a meeting of the executive committee.

Even country group leader Alexander Dobrindt, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann and former Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt, as well as Honorary President Edmund Stoiber , wanted to make a comment. Only former Transport Minister Peter Ramsauer said that all would congratulate the Chancellor for his success. He hopes things will end eventually.

At 15:00, Seehofer invited his party's executive committee to finally discuss the immigration dispute with the CDU. From 5 pm, the presidium of the CDU will also meet in Berlin with Chancellor Angela Merkel and the office will meet at 7 pm

Question of confidence in the asylum dispute as a last resort? Merkel prefers to say nothing about the ZDF

14.42: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) left open the question of whether she would finally demand the vote of confidence in the Bundestag in the conflict. asylum with the CSU. Now she is in the phase in which they are promoting their cause, said Merkel Sunday when recording the summer interview of the ZDF broadcast "Berlin direct" . "Then we will see, step by step." (Interview broadcast: today at 7:10 pm)

If she failed with a vote of confidence in parliament, Merkel would probably resign, the coalition of CDU, CSU and SPD would be at the end. More recently, the party leader had received great support from the CDU

Even when asked when there was a decision on Monday in the session of the faction of the Union Angela Merkel responded evasively: she answered a question. She goes very, very seriously in later discussions, but also "internally convinced."

"We do not pull the bridges"

Merkel defended in the interview the most acute course of the European Union in asylum policy. "We are not lifting the bridges, but we are wondering what we can do to put an end to smugglers and smugglers," Merkel said Sunday during the registration of the summer interview. of the ZDF broadcast "Berlin direkt". The smugglers have treated the refugees' lives harshly and enriched them. Europe could not stand this.

She was glad that an Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, for example, had presented his point of view. It is clear that there are disagreements. "We are all in favor of protecting the external borders," Merkel told

in Munich at 15.00, the CSU executive committee and the CSU regional group of the Bundestag wanted to discuss how to resolve the conflict. # 39; asylum. At the CDU, the party committee meets at 5 pm, the executive committee at 7 pm

Here is the recording of the interview in the ticker for reading:

14:32: L & 39 recording is completed.

14:31: This frontman of the AfD Alexander Gauland compared their politics indirectly with Erich Honeckers, Angela Merkel would not comment

Overall impression: The Chancellor looks serious but at the same time gone.

14:28: Now Bettina Schausten on the Brussels resolutions. Does not Europe insist on total isolation? The Chancellor insists that she wants a genuine partnership with Africa that does not take decisions beyond the African peoples

Merkel does not comment on whether she wants to request the vote

14:23: Merkel on his attitude in the asylum dispute: "I approach these things very, very seriously, but I go there convinced in the content. "Many times in their answers the word" Europe "or" European ".

14:22: To the question of whether in the asylum dispute with CSU

14:21: Schausten verified: "Is what the hostility of the last days has done harm? " Merkel repeats: "I am concerned about the question" – then adds: "In politics, it is sometimes difficult, which is quite correct." At the EU summit in Brussels, this had been the case.

14:19: ZDF presenter Schausten wants to know: "Have you had the impression that the CSU is targeting your person?" Merkel responds only: "I am concerned about the question."

14:17: Merkel does not decide if the fierce migration conflict with the CSU can be solved already on Sunday that there are results for the CDU and the CSU "in which we can take responsibility for our country. "

"Non-unilateral, unadjusted and not at the expense of third parties"

14:15: You understand Seehofer Concerns, and have taken the matter into account in a different way, says Merkel. What she realized at the EU summit was the equivalent of what Seehofer was planning to do with the direct rejection of refugees.

It was her badessment that she did not want to anticipate the UHC's badessment. She says that "everyone feels and everyone knows" how bad the situation is.

12:12: She wants to base her policy on decision-making in Europe "non-unilateral, unadjusted and no." [3,709,010] 14:10: The pressure of the CSU was also a motivation for them, stresses the chancellor.

14.09 clock: Now it starts: From the beginning, the Chancellor says that she will do everything to allow the CDU to badume its responsibility for the country

The German Chancellor – dressed in a sky blue blazer – seems focused but not tense.

13.58 Angela Merkel arrives with her colleagues in the studio of the capital ZDF [19659008] ZDF records the summer interview with Merkel – FOCUS Reports live online

13:40: ZDF records her summer interview with Angela Merkel from 14h Merkel will be sic h answer questions from the moderators of the "Berlin direkt" program. FOCUS Margarete von Ackeren is in the recording and will do a live reportage. The interview takes place only a few hours before the CDU and CSU party committee meetings. In the process, the parties want to decide how the asylum dispute goes on.

Hans Maier promotes the Union: The former Minister of Education of Bavaria fears the conditions of Weimar

Sunday, July 1, 6:00: Hans Maier, former Bavarian Minister CSU's education warns his party against a break with the sister party CDU. In his contribution to the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung", Maier calls the "silent majority" of the Union to express it. One could only hope that reason would win again. With "Querulantentum" you can not convince voters.

According to Maier, a breakup of the union would mean that the party system in Germany would continue to collapse. "Berlin will approach Weimar in the end," writes Maier. "The government formations could then be even harder, or even longer, than the previous one." Germany would also lose a piece of traditional Christianity.

In the video: Survey notes for politicians – Merkel is as unpopular as ever before

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