Lohhof: The man harasses children in the swimming pool – Munich


He even photographs a boy while showering. The police made him discover his contact with social media, which he gave to the children.

Police identified a 43-year-old child who took care of children on Monday, July 16 in the Unterschleißheimer family of Aquariush. The man from Freising District had seen a group of seven-year-olds swim around 4:45 pm

And not only: when he thought himself unnoticed, he was putting small sums of money into the shoes children and a piece of paper with his Instagram account. The boy even followed a boy in the shower and took pictures of him.

The child told his parents that night that they alerted the police. Through social media contact information, it was easy for agents to identify the man. By Criminal Investigation 15, a search was held Friday at age 43

The cell phone could be secure, which is being evaluated. The Freisinger has been reported to have violated the very personal sphere of life by taking pictures.

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