Losing weight: is the ketogenic diet healthy? That's what a doctor says


The ketogenic diet is currently very popular. On a daily basis, social networks serve to feed those who subsist on this principle.

Here's how the ketogenic diet works

Those who feed themselves on ketogenic, carbohydrate from their diet and instead use fats and proteins.

According to this simple principle, the body no longer uses glucose to burn energy and, conversely, reverses metabolism.

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The necessary energy is now absorbed by fatty acids converted into ketone bodies in the liver. This process is called ketosis.

The idea behind this is that excess fat pads are broken down faster.

What is the state of health of the ketogenic diet?

The question remains whether this diet is really as healthy as their fans think.

In an interview with InStyle, the physician and expert in the field of prevention and nutrition science, Dr. med. The position of Anne Fleck on the ketogenic diet.

She also recommends that her patients reduce their carbohydrates as much as possible and incorporate many healthy fats into their diet.

"The ketogenic diet is a diet strictly stressed by fats, which has proven excellent in chronic degenerative diseases such as epilepsy," said Dr. med. Anne Fleck.

However, the diet should be completely switched to ketogenic only under the supervision of a doctor, as the expert points out: "This should only be done under the direction and recommendation of a doctor. designated expert ".

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Photo on the ketogenic diet: Risks

Ketogenic dietExperts warn of these risks

Prevent nutritional deficiencies

Making a healthy ketogenic diet for the body is not always easy.

"Although it provides excellent fat, but the implementation needs to be adjusted to a high fiber content and the risk of micronutrient deficiency is to be monitored," says the doctor.

Many people who consume ketogens almost always consume a lot of meat. But that's not enough for a healthy intestinal flora. The body also needs fiber.

Ketogenic diet: how to succeed

According to the expert, it is best to proceed step by step to the ketogenic diet change. In addition, if you ensure that your body does not miss macro and important micronutrients, this diet can be very healthy.

"Because the latest research indicates that fats have been wrongly demonized," said the doctor. "They are the best fuel for cells, so ketogenic nutrition has tremendous healing potential, but a strict carbohydrate restriction is important for it to work."

Anyone who changes his diet in good health does the same with his body. Because cells are strengthened – and that can positively affect the whole body.

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