Lower Saxony: a man bitten by Wolf – Panorama


  • A wolf allegedly bit a man in the hands of the police in Lower Saxony.
  • This would be the first time that a wolf was attacking a human being in this state.

For the first time, a wolf obviously attacked a human being in Germany and slightly wounded him. A community worker was bitten by a wolf in hand in the maintenance of a green space at the Steinfeld cemetery in the district of Rotenburg-Wümme, police said in Rotenburg district. The animal, according to the police, then approached the 55-year-old man while working on a fence from behind and grabbed his hand.

The man was kneeling on the ground while he was working and holding his hand back. At the same time, the man later said that he had noticed that she was being detained. Three other wolves from a pack would also have been close by. The man was able to free himself and hunt the wolves.

The Ministry of the Environment of Hanover confirmed the alleged attack. "Since the return of the wolves, no human beings have been attacked," said Roland Gramling, spokesman for the WWF environmental organization. The case in the district of Rotenburg is now to be investigated. "You have to take it seriously, that it's a pack of wolves or a pack of dogs," Gramling said.

As said a spokesman for the Wolf Office run by the state of Lower Saxony, two employees are investigating the incident reported. It is possible that traces of DNA can be traced on the trafficked hand of the man to see if it is really a wolf bite. This Thursday, the first results should be available and published.

"Wolves are going to cause us conflicts"

That's why the government should set up an effective wolf management program, says wildlife biologist Ulrich Wotschikowsky. But she is currently lagging behind.

Interview by Katharina Schmid

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