Maas on Özil: "Do not believe that the case provides information on integration"



Meuse over Ozil "Do not believe that the case provides information on the ability of integration"

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Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said at a press conference on the resignation of Mesut Özil: "I do not think that the case of a multimillionaire living and working in England provides information on the ability to integrate into Germany. "

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also intervenes in the debate on the resignation of Mesut Özil: The case says nothing significant about the ability of integration of Germany. He called on all parties to moderation.

E did not last long before the resignation of Mesut Özil from the national football team reached the highest political level. Monday, the Commissioner for Integration, Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU) and Chancellor Merkel commented on the case. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also joined the debate initiated on integration.

"I do not believe (…) that the case of a multimillionaire living and working in England provides information on the ability to integrate in Germany," said Maas Monday in Berlin. On Twitter, he added that there are "many fates at least as important".

The SPD politician called on all parties to moderation in the debate. "I think everyone involved in the cause should go in. I see few people who, in my opinion, have behaved reasonably well there."

Maas added, "A resignation because of Racist hostility is an indictment of all.We lose more than one of the best players. "

Given allegations against Özil that he had contributed to the departure of the German national team At the World Cup, Maas said: "Otherwise, the truth is on the ground, that the Germans withdrew so early, has little to do with the fact that Mr. Özil was photographed with Mr. Erdogan." [19659014] Read also

  The statement of Mesut Özil puts an end to a case in which there were only losers, says the editor of WELT Ulf Poschardt

Özil (29 years) resigned Sunday following the case of his photos with the controversial Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of e the national team. He felt "a sense of racism and disrespect" towards him, Özil had explained his gesture. The controversial photo was aired several weeks before the national football team. Özil has not commented yet.

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