Maas on the UN pact on migration: "The federal government has involved the population at an early stage"


Germany Maas to the UN pact on migration

"The federal government has involved the population at an early stage"

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"This pact is also in the interest of Germany"

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Mbad stressed to the Bundestag that the UN Migration Pact was also in the interest of Germany. The aim is to better regulate migration and reduce negative effects.

During the debate on the UN Pact on Migration in the Bundestag, the Federal Foreign Minister Maas said that the pact was in the interest of Germany. The government has also involved the population at an early stage.

BForeign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) called the UN's migration pact a remarkable success. It would ensure a secure migration.

Among the critics, "the potential for empowerment is often greater than the ability to read," Maas said during the debate on the German Bundestag's migration pact on Thursday. There had been comments "that could not have been overtaken by malice", such as the fact that this pact had resulted in unregulated mbad immigration.

This pact is also in the interest of Germany, so Maas. In addition, the agreement was not created without public discussion. "The federal government has involved the population at an early stage," he said.

Maas had previously warned of panic makers. "In this heated debate, you have to say very honestly: the immediate consequences will be manageable," he said. The pact would force many countries to raise their refugee standards. As a result, "migration pressure on Germany will decrease significantly in the long run," said the minister.

The pact is "not legally binding"

"This is the time when the US President wants to build a wall, so we have this exciting discussion.The federal government would have had the task of informing the public proactively from the start," said FDP MP Stephan Thomae in the Bundestag. The pact was not legally binding, it could not be said more clearly. The pact will reduce migratory pressure on Germany, he predicted, as it should comply with international standards.

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Co-initiator of the migration pact

Petra Pau of Die Linke reminded that without migration, the city of Berlin would not exist. "Migration can only be solved in a global way," she said. Those who answer "nationally narrow", "sleepwalkers in the past". No limit is abolished by the pact, no migrant has been introduced, so Pau. Migrants must be protected by the agreement of inhuman conditions. In many ways, the group does not go far enough with the agreement.

"We remain calm, clear, human and we oppose expertise," asked Greens MEP Angieszka Brugger, who campaigned for the pact. Many measures have long been the daily life and reality in Germany. "Let's be together for our rights and our decency – a clear signal from the center of Europe."

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The Junge Union president, Paul Ziemiak, said that the limits of the migration capacity are also visible in Germany. "We expect all who come to us to integrate." AFD politicians recalled that many countries had announced that they would not accept the pact on migration and asked who the migrants would be distributed to. Ziemiak said that he was a representative of Germany. Migrants would not even want to know who signed a pact or not.

"The migration for the first time through a specific agreement," said Gabriela Heinrich, SPD politician. "Migrants should be able to count on them, no matter where they are in the world, not to be exploited," says the pact. She is angry at anyone who distorts the facts. The migration pact is a solution. "I hear again and again: If the compact is not binding, why do we need it? Look at the Declaration on Human Rights – it is not binding. "

"Our country is committed to international cooperation, 50% of our economic output is exported, and no other country is interested in free trade and the opening of borders," said Matthias Middelberg. -special politics and headquarters of the CDU. Migrants should have the right to legal advice in case of deprivation of liberty, which is already the case in Germany, he said.

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