Maas: The EU should not be sung by Trump


Federal Foreign Minister Maas underlines Europe's firm stance in the trade dispute with US President Trump.

The EU must defend itself and not be blackmailed, Maas told the newspapers of Funke Mediengruppe. Trump must be clear that he would not succeed in dividing Europe. Even America could only lose if they covered themselves with punitive tariffs, said Maas.

Trump receives European Commission President Juncker in Washington today. Juncker wants to convince Trump to refrain from special rights on cars imported from the EU. Above all, these tariffs would affect the German economy much more than the additional levies on existing steel and aluminum products. Trump had made it clear that he would not hesitate to introduce other tariffs if European countries continued to put the United States at a disadvantage in trade.

This post was posted on 25.07.2018 in the program Deutschlandfunk.

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