Maaßen successor: a critic of Merkel was thus prevented


Two weeks ago, Seehofer introduced the new head of constitutional protection, Haldenwang. The Minister of the Interior had actually agreed with the SPD of another name. But then the Chancellor intervened.

By Michael Götschenberg, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio

On Tuesday, 6 November, the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, met to inform the RBB Inforadios with Eva Högl and Burkhard Lischka, the two main deputies of the SPD parliamentary group, with regard to internal security issues. Main subject of the confidential tour to which even the Secretary of State Seehofers, Hans-Georg Engelke, took part: the successor of Hans-Georg Maaßen.

Seehofer had his head of constitutional protection the day before his temporary retirement. Seehofer and the Social Democratic Party wanted to vote in favor of the Social Democratic Party (Bundesamt für Verfbadungsschutz) after Maures led the coalition on the verge of failure in the previous weeks.

Doubts about Haldenwang

Thomas Haldenwang has long been publicly traded as a successor to Maaßen. Haldenwang was Vice President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Seehofer was temporarily responsible for the management of official duties. Even under the protection of the constitution, there was no doubt that Haldenwang was established. He was not.

Like that RBB Radio Info Faction factions learned, were in the round quickly doubt whether Haldenwang the ideal cast for the post. A real new start was not possible with him, notably led the SPD in the field. After all, since 2013, he is vice-president and is therefore vulnerable if Maaßen's mandate raises other problems.

The round quickly agreed on two names with a clear profile of the CDU: the former member of parliament, Clemens Binninger and, alternatively, Armin Schuster, probably the most prominent domestic expert of the parliamentary group of the CDU. # 39; Union. Binninger had chaired the parliamentary oversight commission for intelligence services in the previous legislature. Schuster is currently in this position.

Silence agreed

Seehofer had already broken down the two names within the Union in the previous weeks. Especially for Binninger, there was great sympathy on the part of the SPD. If Binninger refuses, the SPD but also agrees with Schuster. Then the tour is separated. He agreed on absolute silence.

Binninger refused on the grounds that he was now an entrepreneur. This was the whole Schuster. He also agreed to give up his term as a parliamentarian and go to the top of a federal agency. On Thursday of this week, Seehofer informed the Chancellor of the plans. Earlier, union leader Ralph Brinkhaus had already approved.

Like that RBB Government circles learned that Angela Merkel was anything but enthusiastic and wondered how much time to think. During the evening, Merkel tried to prevent a recognizable shoemaker by pushing the black man towards the SPD. She suggested to the Social Democrats that they supported Schuster only to fill the vacant Presidency of the parliamentary oversight group. However, the argument being advanced, the SPD was also in agreement with Binninger, who would not have made a post because he no longer sits in the Bundestag.

Merkel did not want Schuster

For Merkel's behavior, there is only one conclusive explanation: she did not want Schuster. Schuster had repeatedly criticized Merkel's policy on refugees and publicly. Technically, there has been no argument against Schuster: he is probably the most prominent interior expert in the EU parliamentary group, an intelligence specialist, sitting in the last legislature of the investigative committee of the NSU and currently chairs the Amri inquiry committee of the Bundestag. But he had not hesitated to position himself publicly against Merkel and his refugee policy. Seehofer sank in front of Merkel's veto.

After the escalation of Maaßen's staff, there should no longer be any escalation, especially as Seehofer wants to remain Federal Minister of the Interior and that Merkel must be subordinate, if it is not necessary. He is the boss of the CSU. In the absence of convincing solutions, Seehofer finally introduced Haldenwang as the new head of the constitution.

After the disaster of the Maasau cause, the search for a successor was anything but orderly: Haldenwang had been the victim of a fault at his job because it was clear that he was not there. not wanted. And Schuster is damaged because the Chancellor did not want it.

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