Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Can Release Contaminants From Conventional Dental Fillings


How Does Magnetic Resonance Imaging Affect Fillings?

Many people are afraid to go to the dentist. In most cases, this fear is rather unfounded, however, for example, some fillings used may pose an unforeseen risk. When patients who have such fillings in their teeth undergo magnetic resonance imaging, mercury can leak from their mouths.

Researchers at the University of Akdeniz discovered that amalgam in teeth after magnetic resonance imaging release mercury into the mouth. can. The doctors published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Radiology".

Magnetic resonance imaging can result in mercury leakage from amalgam fillings in our teeth. (Image: artepicturas – fotolia)

The toxic metal is released in the mouth

Surely it is not a good idea that they might have mercury in their mouth after visiting the dentist. Experts from Turkey have discovered that a relatively new type of magnetic resonance imaging allows mercury to penetrate your mouth. In other words, a simple medical examination could release a toxic metal into the mouth.

What is the strength of the magnetic field in magnetic resonance imaging?

Magnetic resonance imaging is a technique that has existed for nearly 50 years. As its name suggests, this technique relies on the use of powerful magnetic fields to create images of internal organs, explain the authors of the study. In a normal magnetic resonance tomography, a magnetic field of 1.5 T (Tesla – the unit of measurement of the intensity of the magnetic field) is used. In comparison, the magnetic field that surrounds our entire planet is only about 0.00005 T.

How ultra-high magnetic fields affect dental implants?

Since the early 2000s, a new type of MRI scanner has been used in commercial production. This can generate magnetic fields with a force of 7 T and more. Forces up to 8T are not a significant health risk according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and new devices have become increasingly popular. However, there were still concerns that too little research was done on the safety of the device. In particular, doctors wondered if we knew how ultra-high magnetic fields would affect patients' surgical and dental implants.

Research focused on 60 teeth with amalgam filling

Researchers study the present study 60 human teeth extracted for various reasons. These teeth have been filled with amalgam – a type of silver that is usually used in a normal filling. Then, the teeth were badigned to three different groups. One group was subjected to normal magnetic resonance imaging of 1.5 T, the second group was subjected to a 7 T examination, and a control group was not subjected to such treatment. The teeth were then exposed to artificial saliva in the laboratory for nine days. Then, the amount of mercury released by the teeth by the treatment was measured.

How much mercury escaped from fillings?

The average amount of mercury leaving a normal MRI scan was slightly higher than in the control group. When treated with an ultra-high magnetic field, nearly five times more mercury flowed. The researchers also found that other dental implants also had problems, with gold and platinum crowns becoming warmer under higher magnetic fields. (As)

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