Marco Bülow leaves the SPD: the solitary


He is sitting in front of a high white wall. In front of him, a long table where several microphones are installed. Marco Bülow only needs one of them. He is alone Bülow invited to explain why he left the SPD after 26 years.

He begins with an apology. Of course, he did not respond to requests on all possible channels and did not answer. First, he informed his constituency and the SPD head of Dortmund.

The last appearance

For Marco Bülow, this could be the last major appearance before the press of the capital. He could no longer place the SPD above his values ​​and ideals, which should outweigh his career. But Bülow's career has stagnated for a long time.

He is known as a cross rider, as a person who does not work in a team. In the SPD parliamentary group, his departure is rather commented, but relieved.

He regrets the decision of Biilow, said about the SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach, because Biilow is human in order. Bülow had barely participated in faction factions – there had been none at all. "Purely scared", Lauterbach calls the eight-page statement to leave Twitter.

Bülow told the press conference that his main reason was that the party had always preferred a policy based on fear:

"We are scared of the new elections because it could be bad for us, we are afraid that the Union stands out because we could dismiss some people, we are afraid of a real alternative, oh, that could to be left out "or anything else, we are afraid of lobbyists and that is why we do not have a clear position on the diesel scandal, nor on the ex-cum and other things, we are afraid to renew ourselves, we are afraid of a special day and we prefer to hold a Fear of the Primary Election debate camp, as there could be someone who could maybe inspire and welcome people. And above all, we are afraid of diversity. "

He holds both hands open up. For the moment, you can also think of him as a priest.

He can speak

This is remarkable at Bülow: he can speak. Nevertheless, he was not considered to be a bearer of hope. Even party members sometimes do not consider him a reliable partner.

Bülow has apparently not informed his Ortsverein Dortmund-Mitte. On Facebook, the comrades write: "Unfortunately, we have not been informed of the departure of Marco Bülow, we have as a local club an external position and his critics of the SPD always supported." From the outside to renew the SPD, could not work.

At the same time, Bülow talks a lot about the base. "The group leader is not my boss, the chancellor is not my boss, but my boss, it's the people and then maybe my constituency, which prepares me," he says . The comrades of Dortmund wanted it to no longer be set up according to the "Ruhr Barons" page in the next federal election. This is an exit that saves the face, write the "Ruhrbarone".

Biilow wants to stay

Bülow keeps open the question of his future. He was co-founder of the "Progressive Social Platform" and co-signer of Sahra Wagenknecht's "Stand Up" movement. Could he imagine going left? He likes to answer the reasons for his resignation. He thinks that it has been necessary for some time that pressure be put in place from the outside. That's why he founded the platform and is registered. "I will not be a partner or a party, and I do not know everything else for the moment," he said.

He owes a real answer.

Biilow leaves the SPD by the time it might seem like it's slipping to the left. He says he no longer has hope for that. He accuses his party that despite incredible defeats and defeats in the elections, there has always been only one "party". The constructive forces withdrew.

His term in the Bundestag wants to keep Bülow. He is elected by direct suffrage, with nearly 15 percentage points ahead of the CDU opponent. Bülow hopes to take advantage of this withdrawal. He would now have time in Parliament, he said. He has not yet understood. He could continue to research, occupy a committee seat. "I remain a social democrat and I want to continue doing social democratic politics," said Bülow. He was prepared for that. He was chosen for this.

For the leader of the party, Andrea Nahles, the resignation is embarrbading, even if the SPD and Bülow are alienated for a long time. SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil, however, asked him to return his mandate. But Biilow wants to stay. Even if it becomes even more solitary around him.

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