Margin of security in Bavaria: a woman paralyzes the airport of Munich



"Where's the problem? Where's the problem?": At Terminal 2 of Munich Airport, nerves are naked at the beginning of the holidays (Photo: dpa) [19659003] Sunday, July 29, 2018

The first day of vacation after the start of the summer holidays in Bavaria, chaos breaks out at the second largest airport in Germany. The police release a complete terminal. At least 200 flights will be canceled.

In the middle of the peak tourist season at the beginning of the holiday season, a heavy safety margin paralyzed almost completely the Munich airport "Franz Josef Strauß" for hours. Thousands of pbadengers have been exceeded. The trigger was a missing trash – and a woman until then unfounded

  Injured at the airport: travelers miss en mbade of connecting flights

Travelers are stranded at the airport: travelers miss en mbade of connecting flights [Photo: dpa]

The interior of the airport was filled with travelers like Timo, 13, and his sister Annika, 9 years old. In fact, both should already sit in the air-conditioned aircraft in the direction of Frankfurt. Instead, Timo's squats are bored on a wheeled suitcase, while her nine-year-old sister Annika unceremoniously settles on the floor of the overheated boarding room. from Terminal 2 of Munich Airport. He should go to the Dominican Republic with their parents on Saturday morning – the summer holidays have just begun. But now the nerves are naked.

"We have no information, we stayed here for two hours and we do not know anything," his mother said. Like the family, thousands of pbadengers are on their way to vacation. The reason: An initially unknown woman arrives in the morning in a safety zone, without having been previously checked. The consequence: the police erase all the terminal 2 and the badociated satellite terminal. Only a few hours later, the woman can be identified. According to the Government of Upper Bavaria, she is a 40-year-old traveler who, according to the federal police, was not arrested and remained at large.

However, in the announcements of speakers at the airport, one speaks initially only of a police operation. Uncertainty is spreading. Internet connections had been overloaded early in the morning, information was not available, explains Stefanie Fach. "We did not know anything, the first ad arrived late and we did not understand it well." The staff at the baggage claim then they calmed down. A few hours later, there is still absolute uncertainty.

People stand, sit and lie in the check-in area at noon. Almost no one knows how it goes. By a loudspeaker announcement, they are called to keep calm. Many fan their plane tickets in the face. Some people lose their cool. An angry woman approaches an airport employee: "Where is the problem? Where is the problem?" The answer: "Do not know."

Christmas is more relaxed. The young man of 20 years wants to go to Barcelona to party in the city of Calella with his friends. This is nothing first. With sunglbades on his face, he lies down on the tiles in the room and tries to relax. Anthony Michaels-Moore wants to fly to Albuquerque in the United States with his wife and two children. "We do not know what's happening, the information comes too late," says the 61-year-old

More at noon of other concrete announcements resonate in the terminal: the police released the Security zone of the two departure halls, not for long, then take off planes from Terminal 2. But until thousands of pbadengers come back to the security check, it takes. Security guards crowd through the crowd into the waiting room and distribute the water. Airport firefighters send fresh air into the lobby with large special fans

An airport spokesman reports: At least 200 flights have failed. About 60 flights are delayed. The flight of the Fach family to Ireland was also canceled. When it seems, where to go – they still have no idea in the early afternoon. Rosenheim's grandparents come by precaution to the airport and take care of the children. "In the end, they have to take us home," says Stefanie Fach, disappointed


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