Mariana Harder-Kühnel: The AfD candidate has failed as Vice-President of the Bundestag


Germany Mariana Harder-Kühnel

An AfD candidate failed as vice president of the Bundestag

| Reading time: 2 minutes

AfD MP Mariana Harder-Kühnel failed in the election as vice-president of the Bundestag.

  • In the first round of voting, he received 223 votes in favor and 387 against, not the required majority.
  • Harder-Kühnel would have needed a majority of 355 votes for a first round.

reAfD does not have a representative in the Bundestag Presidium. With a majority of 387 votes, the parliament failed Thursday, the MP Mariana Iris Harder-Kühnel.

She had run for the Vice-President of the Bundestag. The lawyer, who belongs more to the moderate members of the AfD group, has moved to the top of the list of states of Hesse in the Bundestag. It represents the constituency of Main-Kinzig – Wetterau II – Scottish. At 44, he is currently one of the secretaries of the Bundestag and a full member of the family committee. She has also been an alternate member of the Committee on Home Affairs and Home Affairs.

But Harder-Kühnel said he was available for further polls: "It was not enough in the first round, but we still have two rounds to go," said Mariana Harder-Kühnel on Thursday. "I think I will eventually be elected too."

A second vote should be held in December, a third could possibly be given in January, announced AfD chief Alexander Gauland. "No objections were raised against me before the elections," Harder-Kühnel said. It's much more about the fact that you do not want to choose anyone among the AfDs. She offered direct interviews with other parties to dispel doubts.

The fourth attempt of AfD failed

At its constitutive meeting of October 24, 2017, the Bundestag decided that each parliamentary group could appoint a vice-president of the Bundestag or vice-president of the Bundestag. Harder-Kühnel received 223 votes in favor. The AFD group has 92 representatives. 44 deputies abstained. For the presidency of the Bundestag will be voted by secret ballot.

The candidacy of the lawyer was meanwhile the fourth attempt of the AfD for the Bundestag presidium. Deputy Albrecht Glaser had held the position of Vice-President three times, but did not obtain the required majority.

The presidium of the Bundestag is composed of six members. The President of the Bundestag is Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). Its members are Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU), Thomas Oppermann (SPD), Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), Petra Pau (left) and Claudia Roth (Greens).

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