"Markus Lanz": Chebli contradicts Bosbach to the migration pact "on almost every point"


"Rolex-Gate" – naturally also the ZDF presenter, Markus Lanz, asked the Berlin State Secretary Sawsan Chebli (SPD) to give him this shitstorm, the hernia that arose about the politician after a photo taken four years ago of the 40 years of the social scene The networks circulated. To see: a watch dear to the wrist. Previously, the guest of the speech, Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU), had denied any debate on envy. He is not jealous of others, neither the Porsche nor the Rolex, nor does he believe that, citing "Polo must drive" to understand the problems of low-income people. The debate was probably triggered "by an AfD sympathizer," according to Chebli, and she was shocked by the amount of racism and badism mixed up in the discussion: "It was really very bad".

The debate continued, as noted by Markus Lanz, on the surprising emergence of the pact on migration. Why so suddenly, why was there no debate before, like his question to the politician of the CDU. "Because mainstream media are largely in agreement, a good pact must be signed," Bosbach said. On the Internet, however, much would be discussed, with half-truths, but also just facts. "People want answers." On such issues, Bosbach went on to state: "The word commitment appears 90 times in the contract, but the government says it's not binding." It was like a "silent rock concert", a contradiction in itself.

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The migration pact is an invitation to all

Sawsan Chebli intervened then: she wanted to contradict Mr. Bosbach "almost in all respects" with regard to the migration pact. "The discussion shows how much the right determines the discourse in Germany on the theme of migration," she said. The pact has been negotiated for two years, so the subject is accessible. "We say we want to control, regulate and control the migration, and then we have a pact that wants exactly that, and then the critics come in and say," Oh no, we do not want that, because somebody Another determines our law. "That would be absurd, so their badessment, so much so that the covenant states that all states would retain their sovereign rights.

Thematic migration of the century can only be tackled jointly

But it was really a contradiction, Lanz objected. Chebli replied that the "task of migration of the century" should not be managed by individual states. Two years ago, no one was interested in the subject – this is not true. Thus, Bosbach, there had already been small demands in the Bundestag – and now he will be automatically abused. For them, the subject is "scary", the "right-handers go to waste".

She often had to face refugees who would be stigmatized: "They come and want to take us all," he said. A "very difficult situation" is one against which only a "clear attitude and principles" of the policy would help. To say that the migration pact promotes disenchantment with politics makes them problematic. Objection, says Wolfgang Bosbach. It was not his purpose, but: "If it's such a good job, then I'm not saying that the content is not binding, but I favor it."

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The pact sees migration only as a source of wealth and development, says international lawyer Matthias Herdegen

He then referred to WELT AM SONNTAG's interview with international attorney Wolfgang Herdegen about it, which was placed by Chebli, according to Bosbach, in the "right corner". She declined, saying that she had not read the conversation. But a good argument should not be dismissed as a right, Bosbach continued. Chebli then attacked Friedrich Merz (CDU), who was entitled to asylum during his public candidacy for the presidency of his party, much like a "balloon". But the times in Germany are "too dangerous", so Chebli. All critics critical of migration are not "men of the right", she knows. However, the language must be handled with care, simply because we think that "we have completely left the speech to the right". It was useless to want to recover the voters of the AFD, the party "would become stronger," she concluded, before the host went to his other guests – Claus Kleber, Alexander von Schönburg.

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+++ Unique use for WORLD, including online / HD editing (no TV) +++ Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU) plays golf with his friend Horst Becker at the Koeln eV golf and leisure club here Wolfgang Bosbach on the golf course 9 holes of the golf club.

Agitated by the Republic

"Does Islam belong to Germany?" Asked Lanz, but later again directly to the political leader of the SPD with Palestinian roots. "The debate is absurd: here live millions of Muslims, integrated and with German citizenship, I do not want to discuss it at all," she said. The moderator wanted to know what the debate with the Cheblis family – she only has twelve brothers and sisters – did.

His relatives are also victims of discrimination, said Chebli

She does not let the subject reach it, says Chebli, but she is proud of what she has achieved in life. Of course, she receives a lot of hostility and death threats – which Lanz did not believe – worse for them but was that the third generation of immigrants was turning away more and more and no longer saw themselves as Germans, but still like Turks or Arabs. Debates like "about" Islam would make people feel stronger, we "will never belong". Lanz then spoke about a meeting he had himself made as part of a television report with three young men at the Görlitzer Park in Berlin. Are you German?, Was his question. "In any case," they would have answered, even if they were born here. Yes, that's a problem, says Sawsan Chebli.

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Markus Lanz (right) In conversation with a policeman (left) in Görlitzer Park in Berlin.

Documentary Germany by Markus Lanz

She clearly states that she is German, but even she doubts her "total" membership. How should there be other people who are not in such a privileged situation? Lanz then intervened if some young migrants did not settle in a "victim role". "It's way too easy for me," said Chebli. She has only 40 nephews and nieces, and she hears about the true discrimination of many of these children. Moreover, his brothers and sisters would not have been able to finish high school because of their tolerance.

Jogging pants as enrichment?

Also, thanks to the SPD, many things have changed, there are language and integration courses, she said. But not just the SPD took care of that, says Lanz. Germany is a "fair and non-racist" country that gives a real chance to anyone looking to get a chance. He said that as a man of immigrant origin, South Tyrol was a joke.

A little later, then again represented by the author of Benimm, Alexander Graf von Schönburg-Glauchau, the thesis that integration should not be one-sided. According to his 49-year-old son, who works for the newspaper "Bild" in Berlin, his son went to a clbad where 80% of the students were from immigration. When his son insisted on going to school with sweatpants because all his comrades did, he worried briefly. But then he realized that "integration works both ways" and that this mode was perceived as an "interesting fertilization".

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Henryk M. Broder, author of WELT, believes that if the migration pact goes against expectations, we too would benefit.

His son also learned new things from the Arab families he visited. Key word honor, keyword respect for the parents, but also family cohesion. "I know many German colleagues who barely know their siblings because they live completely elsewhere," said Schönburg. For him, it is so "wonderful" that his son has learned the value of hospitality. Lanz replied curtly, but Schönburg also added that he had taken his son out of the "Jogginghosenklub" again. "Yes, he's going to an English boarding school," said Schönburg to the applause and loud laughter of the audience.

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