Markus Söder no longer wants to use the term "asylum tourism"


Green Party politician Claudia Roth accuses Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and CSU of promoting a brutalization of political culture and language in Germany. "I expect from a constitutional minister not only the deepest respect for our fundamental rights and international law, but also for empathy and discretion," said the deputy speaker of the Bundestag in an interview with the German news agency. On the other hand, the CSU thinks that they have to "lag behind" in the right-wing international debate on fear. "The linguistic and political brutality that Horst Seehofer and his CSU have fired for weeks and months, is a poison for Germany and Europe."

Seehofer with his "obvious joy": 69 people in Afghanistan for his 69th birthday have been definitely proven "that he has the ability or willingness to fill the post of Interior Minister with decency and dignity, "said Roth. Although 1,400 people have already drowned in the Mediterranean this year, the CSU "advances the criminalization of civilian maritime rescue services". According to Roth, the party is greeting refugees and maligning aid, according to Roth. "It's not only shameful, but danger of fire."

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has been criticized for days because of his choice of words. He had repeatedly used terms such as "asylum tourism" in the refugee debate, referring to people wishing to first apply for asylum in another country. EU then in Germany.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier a brutal language. FDP leader Christian Lindner said: "Words like asylum seekers come from the repertoire of political language." He did not want "our democracy to be as brutalized and corrupt as the American one under Donald Trump."

SPD leader Andrea Nahles accused Söder of talking to the AfD and stirring up resentment against refugees with such a choice of words. The SPD of the Bavarian parliament had threatened Söder with a complaint to the Bavarian Constitutional Court if the national government did not submit a definition of the concept demanded by the parliament by 15 July. [13] Söder said Wednesday evening in the Bavarian parliament: Personally, I will no longer use the word asylum tourism if it violates anyone. "This decision is independent of his personal badessment, but the most important is that verbal debates should not prevent significant problems."

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How it works The Civey Methodology

The Civey survey company uses a fully automated multilevel method.All representative real-time surveys are carried out all over Germany.
Network on more than 20 000 websites played ("Riversampling"), so that it is not only the users of SPIEGEL ONLINE questioned. Anyone can take part in online surveys and will be considered with his answers in the representative result he's registered. From these users, Civey draws a quoted sample that ensures that it fits the population, for example, in terms of age, gender and population density. Finally, in a third step, the results are weighted according to other sociodemographic factors and participant values ​​in order to correct the distortions and avoid manipulations. More information can be found in the Civey FAQ.

Why is it necessary to register?

The recording helps to weight the answers, thus allowing a representative survey result of the electoral population in Germany. Each participant is asked to indicate their gender, year of birth and place of residence. After that, everyone can express their opinion in different surveys on different subjects

How do the results become representative?

The response of each respondent is weighted so that the result of a survey is representative of the population. For the Sunday question and the government monitor, this population includes the population with the right to vote in Germany. The weighting is fully automatic based on personal data during the registration as well as the history of previous responses of a user. More methodological details can be found in Civey's white paper.

Are you going to reach enough participants online?

Opinion polls are usually done by phone or online. The importance of results depends on the number of people who can be contacted and the number of people actually participating in an investigation when contacted. Internet connections and land-line connections are now about as widespread in Germany – with around 90% of households and 95% of mobile phones. Willingness to participate in all methods in the one-digit percentage range, experts consider it particularly low for telephone surveys.
So there is a group of people in both methods that can not be reached either because they have no connection to the respective network does not want to participate in the investigation. This is why a lot of people have to be approached for a meaningful result. Civey's surveys are currently being added to SPIEGEL ONLINE in more than 20,000 other sites involved, including different media. This allows to reach as many populations as possible

How to recognize the quality of a result?

Until the results of an inquiry become representative, enough different people must participate. Civey badures that this has already been achieved by specifying a statistical probability of error for each survey result. The number of participants and the time of the interview are also published for each survey

What does it mean when the colored areas in the graphs overlap?

In our graphs, the statistical error is represented by a colored interval. This interval shows the uncertainty badociated with a survey score. For example, on the Sunday issue, you can not tell exactly how much percent a party would get in a poll, but specify an interval where the result is likely to be. If the intervals of two survey values ​​overlap, then, strictly speaking, no statement about the difference can be made. In the Sunday question, this means: If the numbers of two-party polls are so close that their error intervals overlap, one can not deduce which of the two would be the most successful in the election.

The personal data of users are stored encrypted on German servers and remain secret. They are only used to weight the answers and to ensure that the surveys are not manipulated. To avoid this, Civey uses statistical and technical methods

Who is behind Civey?

At this point, readers of the application and mobile / stationary site have the opportunity to participate in a representative Civey survey. Civey is an online polling institute based in Berlin. The start-up cooperates with various partners, including SPIEGEL ONLINE as well as "Tagesspiegel", "Cicero", "Freitag" and Civey is funded by the ProFit program of Investitionsbank Berlin and the European Regional Development Fund . [ad_2]
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