Martin Winterkorn's lawyer examines prosecutors


The lawyer of former VW CEO, Martin Winterkorn, checks according to his own lawsuit against the Brunswick Attorney's Office. "We are considering criminal charges for treasonable official secrets," Felix Dörr said Sunday.

Previously, the "Bild am Sonntag" cited investigation files of the authority on the exhaust gas scandal, according to which there are tax investigations against Winterkorn. This involves, among other things, transfers totaling about ten million euros on Swiss accounts over the past two years. According to the prosecutors, it is suspected that the taxes owed were not paid.

"The prosecution of Braunschweig has to explain the deep meaning of the procedure," Dörr said. Information on personal financial circumstances and tax issues had nothing to do with the records of the exhaust gas investigations. Mr. Winterkorn's detailed credit card statements, bank statements and bank statements are now on the counters of 39 other accused's lawyers in the Emissions Survey, but the private badets of Mr. Winterkorn have nothing to do with the procedures. "

Year 2017 first with the Munich Public Prosecutor's investigations on suspicion of money laundering." Since the investigators suspected of a connection with the VW diesel scandal, took over the office Attorney Brunswick, the process and added the five tax files to the diesel files.

In the diesel investigation records is now to read in detail, with Winterkorn's money has arrived. Winterkorn had transferred Millions of dollars in one of his accounts at Sparda Bank Nuremberg in 2016 and 2017 to a trust account of his tax advisor.From there, money flowed into the deposits of the bank Vontobel in Zurich. a deposit, which was badigned to the wife of Winterkorn.Investigators have, according to "Bild am Sonntag", suspected that part of the transfers had been a gift for which an amount of more than half a million euros would have been due.

"Nest of "Egg" in Switzerland?

In a note, the prosecution claimed that Winterkorn had probably moved property in Switzerland to have a "nest egg". Given the Winterkorn diesel case threaten VW's claims for damages  Chart, Should be proved breaches of duty

With respect to tax allegations, lawyer Dörr stated that it was the very personal decision of Winterkorn let manage. A money transfer from a German bank to Switzerland was legally in order. "According to the badessment of Mr. Winterkorn's tax advisor, this process is free from any tax claim," said Dörr.

Klaus Ziehe, spokesman for the prosecutor Braunschweig, said the "Bild am Sonntag": "We will comment on the results after the conclusion of the investigation, not before." At the weekend, the prosecutor's office was not feasible.

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