Matthias Lier: "There have always been many truths in the GDR" – TV


Was he an author or a victim? In the Spreewald thriller "Deadly Homecoming", spectators left the ZDF Monday night, which they wanted to believe. Depending on the nature of the crime, Holger Bingel (played by Matthias Lier, 39) was either a murderer or a victim. A scenario that reminds the actor of his youth in the GDR,

Link to BILD: "I had noticed many truths in my childhood, we lived in a small Catholic village and the professor said the border was there to protect us from missiles from the west."

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Photo: alliance photo / dpa

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After graduating, Matthias Lier first studied cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart, but then decided but still to actPhoto: alliance photo / dpa

His hometown, Zella, was only two kilometers from the border.

Ivy: "My grandfather worked for the Agricultural Production Cooperative, because we were too stingy, we let him get close to the zodiac at the wheel and zoom in on the death track. tractor with me, I saw that there were houses there in the west, but no rockets – I did not believe it anyway, as my father told me already said. "

Some things can be discussed or sung only at home. "I already learned this in kindergarten.At that time, my father heard at home Udo Lindenberg, a special train for Pankow.In the song, Erich Honecker is called Oberindianer." sang that happily in kindergarten.Then the kindergarten teacher went to my dad's house and warned that if i did not stop calling Erich Honecker in Indian, she should My father then took me aside and said, "Matthias, the Honecker is a very kind man" and laughed at it, I did not understand it at all. the time. "

Today, Lier knows why: "Even though our village was very Catholic and we had a lot of cohesion, we were scared, we did not know who was with the Stasi and had pbaded on such information," he said. # 39; actor.

Matthias Lier (age 10) with his brother Christian (then aged 8) in his village

Matthias Lier (L., then 10) with his brother Christian (then 8) in his native village

Exactly 29 years ago, Matthias Lier was for the first time in the West,

Lier: "There was another demonstration on Monday in the village with us.At the age of ten, I painted a sign, Hop, Hop, Hop, Stasi, who ran gallop & # 39; and I joined the demo with my younger brother, Christian .I was sent with my sign in advance.And indeed, the border guards opened the fence. "

The biggest advantage of the fall of the Berlin Wall for Matthias Lier: "I am very grateful to have the freedom to think what I want, to say what I want and to go wherever I want. is a great luxury, but you also had to learn how to manage this freedom ".

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Photo: ZDF and Hardy Spitz

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Photo: Holger Bingel (Matthias Lier, center) tries to inspire international investors for a wellness project in the SpreewaldPhoto: ZDF and Hardy Spitz

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