May wants a "softer" European exit: Mrs Planlos arrives at the Brexit public



  Theresa May falls between the tough Brexit and the fans of the EU. Now, Angela Merkel is strengthening her back.

Theresa May Washes Between Hardliners Brexit And EU Fans. Angela Merkel is strengthening her back. (Photo: image alliance / Maurizio Gamb)

Thursday, July 05, 2018

By Hannes Vogel

A few months before Brexit, Britain still has no strategy, In fighting uncompromising at home, Theresa May is looking for help from her worst opponent today: Angela Merkel.

The Brexit negotiations at this time are illustrated by an anecdote that apparently took place at the British cabinet last week: Michael Gove, the Brexit fan, would have been so angry at the latest exit plan from the UK. EU Prime Minister Theresa May that he tore the newspaper in front of him, reported the British media.

The scene is a symbol of this ghost trip The British government is still in Brexit. On March 29, in less than nine months, Britain will leave the EU. In fact, Brussels and London wanted most contracts for their new relationship to be under one roof. But the negotiations are in stalemate. The government of Theresa May can not agree on a common position. Airbus, Jaguar and other companies are already threatening to leave the UK if there is no timely agreement with the EU. Business badociations, unions and bank regulators increasingly warn of the hard Brexit, an exit from the EU without agreement with Brussels

But May's plans are crushed between opponents and the supporters of the release of the EU under tories. During the vote on the Brexit laws in the Lower House two weeks ago, May broke through only one hair in the fall. It was only with far-reaching promises at the last minute that he managed to persuade pro-European parliamentarians in their own ranks not to veto the parliament on the same day. Brexit agreement that they negotiate with Brussels

. Retire County Checkers to win them for their Brexit proposals. They are much more favorable to Europe than before. According to the media, May wants to offer her "sweetest Brexit possible" to her ministers. That's why she wants to get support for her recovery on the mainland. But today she meets Angela Merkel in Berlin.

If her biggest opponent at Brexit leaves behind her newspaper, it increases the pressure on her opponents in the British government. "She wants to make sure that it will not be shot immediately," said a European Financial Times diplomat. "She does not want to fight on two fronts at the same time." But for this to work, many points of friction must be dispelled

Customs and Commerce: The Best of Both Worlds

After all, London and Brussels are now largely in agreement on some issues. For example, in the final bill on Britain's accession to the EU: May promised to transfer about 45 billion euros to Brussels as severance pay. Also, for a transition period until the end of 2020, in which, after the release, for the most part, everything should remain as before, the two sides agreed. But the crux of the problem is that all these promises are null and void if Britain and the EU as a whole do not agree on an exit agreement. Nothing is decided until everything is decided. And the obstacles to an agreement are still huge

The biggest obstacle remains that the hard-line British conservatives still want Britain to completely leave the EU customs union and the common market. l & # 39; EU. For then London could further limit immigration and conclude global trade treaties without taking into account the other countries of the EU. At the same time, Brexit advocates want British companies to sell in Europe without obstacles, as if they were still part of the community.

Keep the cake in the plate by eating your cake and eating such a cherry picking literally on the island. Brussels has repeatedly given its unequivocal refusals. Thus, May can balance for months adventurous proposals on the tightrope to satisfy both the EU supporters and those who hate the EU.

Recent Proposal: Britain should continue to levy import taxes reducing its own tariffs. Besides the fact that it is technically difficult to control whether the goods are being imported into the UK or resold in Europe, conservative conservatives reject the proposal because they fear that London will end up in Brussels for the next year. Eternity

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And May keeps trying to crisscross the circle: she now wants to stay in the domestic goods market, but not services, in order to give more to the powerful UK banking sector. Instead of blindly adopting Brussels' guidelines for financial giants, he wants to agree on "common" – that is, lax – standards for banks in Europe. EU after leaving the EU.

rejected because they would explode the common market between other EU countries. Boris Johnson described the customs partnership as "crazy," Brexit Minister David Davis said he had already written a cancellation in May, according to Bloomberg. And Angela Merkel has repeatedly told May that Britain can not choose the best of all worlds.

But May still has a lot of weight in her hands: the millions of European citizens work and live in the British Isles. She wants to give them a safe pbadage after Brexit. Their professional qualifications should continue to be recognized and allowed to travel freely to and from the United Kingdom. On one condition: the EU grants the British the same rights in the EU. And in return, he accepts access to the EU market for British banks in line with British ideas.

Neither Merkel nor the EU seem so inclined to engage in such a horse trade. And the time for an agreement expires. By autumn at the latest, the agreement between Brussels and London should be maintained. Parliaments have yet to ratify the agreement in many EU countries. The independent newspaper reported Sunday that EU leaders had already given up hope that it will work as planned until the October summit. It is increasingly likely that May will soon have to request an extension of the negotiating deadline beyond March 2019. Once again, Angela Merkel has an important role to play in this matter.


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