May: Warns critics: Could "end up without Brexit at the end"


+++ Brexit in the News ticker +++: May warns critics: Could "end up without Brexit"

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After the decision of the British, the Leaving the EU, negotiations are on the exit process. Prime Minister Theresa May recently presented a plan – triggering a serious government crisis, including ministerial resignations. All information on the Brexit process in the FOCUS Online Ticker

May warns critics: "Finding themselves without Brexit"

Sunday, July 15, 2018, 17:50 British Prime Minister Theresa May has criticisms Internal warned that a boycott of their Brexit strategy could completely jeopardize the UK's planned withdrawal from the EU. "We have to keep an eye on the goal, otherwise we run the risk of being without Brexit in the end," wrote the conservative conservative chairman in a guest ticket for the "Mail on Sunday ". She took the concerns of some party members against their true course, but they had presented until today no "viable alternative". Therefore, their "practical and pragmatic" approach is the drug of choice

Almost nine months before the EU's exit on March 29, 2019, the May government is in deep crisis. Brexit supporters in his party rebel against the new initiative of the Prime Minister in favor of a less abrupt exit from the EU. The only strongly supported Brexit Mays White Paper provides for a free trade agreement with the European Union. Extremists fear too close ties with the EU and new concessions in Brussels during the negotiations. Brexit Minister David Davis and Secretary of State Boris Johnson resigned following the strategy paper that Johnson described as "shit" in the government, according to media reports.

May insisted that she negotiate with Brussels. Their white paper is also not "a long wish list from which traders can choose raisins, it's a comprehensive plan with a series of non-negotiable results."

May: London and Washington want "ambitious" Trade Agreement

15.07: The United States and Britain continue to seek an "ambitious" trade deal, according to British Prime Minister Theresa May. This was announced in May after meeting with US President Donald Trump on Friday at his country of residence Checkers. The US president had questioned such an agreement before meeting with May because of the Brexit policy of the head of government

Trump: The Brexit plan could "probably kill" the trade agreement

] Friday, July 13, 01.10: US President Donald Trump again criticized British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit plan. If it is implemented, "we would deal with the European Union rather than with the UK," Trump said in an interview with The Sun newspaper (Friday). It would "probably kill" a bilateral agreement between the United States and Britain.

May continues to seek close economic and regulatory ties with the EU after his country leaves the country. She wants to avoid a break.

The US president arrived Thursday in London from his Brussels summit with his wife Melania. As part of his four-day visit to the UK, he was greeted by May at his country house on Checkers.

Trump's inaugural visit will focus on a trade deal to boost trade with the United States. May aspire to an "ambitious agreement," said a spokeswoman for the British government. Trump also wants "a bilateral trade deal as soon as possible," said US ambbadador to London Woody Johnson.

Trump had already expressed on Thursday in Brussels criticism on the policy of Mays Brexit. He did not know if the Prime Minister's plans would confirm the British vote in the referendum two years ago. May responded by saying, "We are overturning the vote of the British people."

Conservative Vice-Presidents resign over the Brexit dispute

Tuesday, July 10, 6:35 pm: First British minister Theresa May loses in the government crisis due to the planned release of the EU following the approval of their own ranks. On Tuesday, two other politicians announced their resignation: Vice Presidents of the Conservative Party, Ben Bradley and Maria Caulfield. They could not support the direction in which the Brexit negotiations are currently taking place, Caulfield writes, according to the PA news agency in their letter of resignation. Although the two politicians are largely unknown, their resignation should be seen as a clear signal in the party.

22:01: Former British Health Minister Jeremy Hunt becomes new Foreign Minister. This was announced by the London government Monday night. Hunt succeeds Boris Johnson, who resigned in Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit policy dispute.

Former British Minister Johnson settles with Brexit: "The dream is just dying"

19.18 Clock: The former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, retired, wrote in a letter that the "Brexit dream is dying". Brexit should be an opportunity for the country. He wrote: "It has been more than two years since the British voted to leave the EU and regain control of their democracy". But important decisions have been postponed, the project has not progressed

The FDP calls for the resignation of Johnson Brexit referendum in Britain

17.10: The FDP calls for resignation from British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson a new referendum on Brexit in the UK. "Given the fragmentation of the government, a second referendum is urgent," said Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, vice president of the FDP parliamentary group, the editorial network in Germany (RND / Tuesday). "It could be voted through various scenarios – including the fate of Britain in the European Union." Lambsdorff said the FDP has always respected the British vote: "Now we have a new situation."

can defend Brexit After Johnson's resignation

17:06: Following the resignation of British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, Prime Minister Theresa May defended her co-operation course in the Brexit negotiations. She regretted the withdrawal of Johnson and his Minister of Brexit David Davis Monday in the British House of Commons, but also highlighted their differences of views on the relationship between Britain and the EU after the London exit from the Union next year. Their goal of maintaining close relations with the EU is protecting jobs and is best for the people, said May. "It's good business for the UK."

16h05: The government crisis in London is intensifying. A few hours after Brexit Minister David Davis, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned on Monday. The BBC government said that. Barely nine months before the EU's exit on March 29, 2019, the government of Prime Minister Theresa May is currently in a mbadive government crisis

Brexit supporters in the British government are rebelling against the new policy from Mays. l & # 39; EU. The question is whether Johnson now wants to become head of government himself. The political future of Mays is also questioned with the resignation of ministers.

May ordered her office Friday to participate in a twelve-hour marathon meeting on Checkers Estate in northwest London. The ministers even had to hand over their smartphones at the closed meeting. In the evening of May announced that the government had agreed on a new strategy for the exit of the EU. But the agreement was only submitted to strong pressure.

Davis, the hard-Berliner, feared that the plans would bind Britain too closely to the EU. In addition, other concessions in Brussels were threatened during the negotiations.

Johnson is considered to be Brexit's most important spokesperson and would have described Brexit's new projects as "shit" at the Council of Ministers.

Dominic Raab becomes the new minister of Brexit

23h38: Dominic Raab becomes the new minister of Brexit in Great Britain. This was announced by the British government on Monday. Its predecessor, David Davis, resigned Sunday night in a dispute over Prime Minister Theresa May's new strategy on Brexit. Like Davis, Raab, 44, is a fan of Brexit. Davis' resignation plunged the London government into a deep crisis just nine months before the EU exit on March 29.

Brexit Minister Davis Resigns to Protest May

Monday 09. July, 15h54: British Brexit Minister David Davis resigned in the government's exit policy dispute. The "new trend" of political and tactical Brexit makes it less likely that Britain will leave the single market and the customs union, said the step in his resignation letter to Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday night. The head of government contradicted. She disagreed with her description of Brexit's new strategy, she replied. [Mai] Mai had ordered his Cabinet to conduct a twelve-hour marathon session at the Checker Estate in northwest London. The ministers even had to hand over their smartphones at the closed meeting. In the evening of May announced that the government had agreed on a new strategy for the exit of the EU. But the agreement only occurred under heavy pressure

. The plan was considered by many Brexit extremists as a departure from the EU exit. For May, the resignation of Davis is a blow. She must now count with more resistance from the Brexit wing of her party. Some 60 members of their group are counted among them.

Foreign Minister Boris Johnson would also have accepted the plans with extreme reluctance. Two secretaries of state at the Brexit Ministry also reportedly withdrew their hat. If more members of the government resign, the month of May could bring great distress. Even an untimely fall of the Prime Minister does not seem out of the question.

Davis is a strong advocate of a clean break with Brussels. He had threatened to resign in the past if May tied the country too closely to Brussels. He has long been dissatisfied with his role in government. Davis had always been brief in the exit negotiations in Brussels and often seemed unprepared.

More and more, May took the lead in negotiations. His resignation plunges the government at the wrong time into a new crisis. Britain will leave the European Union on March 29, 2019. Until then, there must be an exit agreement, otherwise the chaos threatens.

Davis is the sixth minister May has lost since last June's election. Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and Deputy Prime Minister Damian Green have dropped their posts after allegations of harbadment. Development Minister Priti Patel resigned because she had met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without agreement. Interior Minister Amber Rudd was forced to resign as a clandestine immigrant in the scandal of illegal treatment of immigrant workers in the Caribbean.

Only one resignation was triggered by a scandal: James Brokenshire left his post as British Minister for Northern Ireland. He returned to the Cabinet table as Minister of Local Authorities.

On video: "Sit down again!": The Brexit debate intensifies – The Scots leave the plenary room

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