"Maybrit Illner": Ursula von der Leyen positively ranks the NATO summit


Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen described the NATO summit in Brussels as a "success". There is a "proud record, that we have done together," said the politician of the CDU in the ARD "Tagesthemen". Many Europeans confidently declared during an "intensive discussion" why they were investing in NATO. She was delighted that this discussion was "face-to-face" and not tweets.

The two-day NATO summit in Brussels was completed on Thursday. The meeting was overshadowed by verbal attacks by US President Donald Trump against NATO partners, particularly Germany. He had mbadively urged allies to invest more quickly in defense and to achieve the goal of spending 2% of NATO's economic output. Germany was particularly in sight, as currently only 1.24 percent are reached and Chancellor Angela Merkel (UDC) until 2024 had only 1.5 percent in perspective. Finally, Merkel hinted at possible concessions on military spending: If necessary, Germany should do "more," she said.


nor the United States membership in the Alliance nor a joint statement of the 29 heads of state and of government. Among other things, NATO summit decisions included the creation of more rapidly deployable combat units, new command centers and an expansion of the NATO training mission. in Iraq. Von der Leyen describes the results as a "round package".

Trump's video in Brussels: "I am a very stable genius"

Trump had brought the summit on Thursday to the brink of failure. According to diplomats, he threatened behind closed doors, or the goal of two percent of all allies in 2019 reached or he does "his own thing". The Allies had agreed in 2014 to increase military spending by 2024 to reach two percent of gross domestic product.

In the ZDF program "Maybrit Illner" confirmed by the Leyen that such a sentence Trumps fell. What exactly did he mean, such as troop reductions or even a complete break with NATO, the US President had left open at the NATO meeting. He did not answer this question later, but only said that the partners "were probably worried."

Von der Leyen called in the talk show more serenity in Trump's treatment. You must "avoid reacting with so much excitement to every tweet".

Greens criticize Merkel

In the opinion of the leader of the Greens' parliamentary group, Anton Hofreiter, Merkel herself made herself available against the United States by proposing concessions to Brussels. "Now, the federal government has to let many times pbad by an American president fleeing on the shin, who is hardly taken seriously with his threats and his excessive explosions," Hofreiter said.

More money for rearmament would not be "automatically" means more peace and more security. Concessions to Trump are false, the president of the United States was "himself at the greatest security risk."

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