Mayor of Tübingen, Palmer, has indicated for constraint | Tübingen | SWR News Baden-Württemberg | SWR News


The dispute between the mayor of Tübingen Palmer (Greens) and a student and his companion has consequences. The companion went to Palmer because of the coercion of the police.

On Wednesday night, fellow student Palmer reported on the stress. That said a spokesman for the Reutlingen police headquarters on Thursday. Now the criminal police supports the investigation. This is a normal procedure when an official is involved, the spokesman said.

Mayor Boris Palmer (Greens) was installed in Tübingen on the street in mid-November with a student. According to Palmer, the student acknowledged the mayor and made an insulting remark. Then Palmer asked the young man to talk. The student should have become strong and aggressive.

The 33-year-old said Palmer ran after him and his mate and harbaded them. After he did not want to identify, Palmer began to photograph her. The mate, aged 32, told the German news agency Thursday that she had agreed in advance with the student of advertising. "If it had not been Boris Palmer, I would have called the police that night." For her, the meeting was very disturbing and unpleasant. "I should have pushed him back to escape the situation."

Palmer: Announcement based on a bad badessment

Palmer calmly reacts to the woman's message. According to him, it is based on a false badessment of the legal situation. Unlike a private person, the student and his companion should have identified with him as he was at the head of the municipal security service, said Palmer. "I could even use physical restraint, which I gave up of course."

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