Meat Labeling at Aldi: This is how the new system works


Aldi wants to introduce a label for fresh meat to increase transparency for the consumer. More and more stores are relying on voluntary labels, also because there is no political guidance.

Aldi follows the competition: As before Lidl, Penny, Netto and Kaufland are now also the team of Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd on a so-called companion compbad for fresh meat. Thus, the consumer should be able to see at a glance under what conditions the slaughtered animal has been kept. The company speaks of "attitude-transparency", it wants "long-term for more animal welfare" and "meet the wishes" of customers.

On the packaging of fresh meat products, the consumer should find an additional symbol from the month of August, which provides information on the conditions of conservation of the animal. The system has four different levels, similar to the competition.

Meat Labeling at Aldi: This Means Four Steps

The first step meets the minimum legal requirements for the care of hogs, cattle and poultry. This level is called "Stable Keeping".

The second level, called "Stall Keeping Plus", gives animals a little more space than the law and "additional employment material".

Level 3 for animals, a more diverse environment and 'access to outside climates'.

The fourth step complies with the legal requirements for organic meat. Therefore, it bears the name "organic".

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Aldi: The image of care as a priority

But it should not only stay with improved transparency : From here 2019 Aldi At least half of its own-brand products have at least reached the second level in terms of quality. Thus, the retail trade would greatly increase the pressure on the meat processing industry – in a public sense. After all, discounters want to get rid of their "cheap" reputation for a while, so that they're focusing more and more on issues such as sustainability or environmental protection.

"They want to improve their image, and the competition is tough, one fact the other," says Professor Martin Fbadnacht, marketing expert at the private college of economics and management WHU near Koblenz, opposite the Schwäbische Zeitung. "40% of Germans have cats, dogs, birds at home, animal welfare is emotional," he continues. Under these circumstances, a group can hardly afford to give the impression that a good livestock is simply a useless expense in his eyes.

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Meat Labeling at Aldi: State regulation delayed

The German Federation of Animal Welfare does not go far enough in the expected labeling of the economy. Instead, it needs a "consistent state label" with the guarantees that accompany it in the area of ​​control and punishment. The Ministry of the Environment has been working on this "animal welfare label" since the last legislature, but its implementation is realistic from 2020 at the earliest, according to Minister Julia Klöckner of the CDU.

However, mandatory labeling is not planned at the moment. On the contrary, the federal government relies on the voluntary participation of industry in the program. A mandatory logo required a European regulation with considerably extended implementation deadlines, according to the Ministry of the Environment.

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