Medications or Home Remedies – What's Helping?


Cough, runny nose and hoarseness also occur during the hot season. When the first symptoms of the summer flu appear, it is important to heal and cure the disease. Learn about the symptoms of how long the disease lasts and how the treatment looks like.

The nose runs, the throat is scratching: not a good place to spend the day on the tanning bed or in the park. The flu also spreads in summer, but not as often as during the cold season. After all, it is rarely a serious illness – and the right behavior can reduce the risk of infection.

Difference: summer flu and flu

First of all, it is important to call the common cold ( cold ) to distinguish from the "true" influenza ( influenza ). Layers often use synonymous terms – but from a medical point of view, they have different meanings. The true flu is caused by influenza viruses, while colds can be caused by many types of viruses.

Both syndromes are often confused because the symptoms are similar. The difference is mainly during the onset of symptoms and the severity of the disease. In the flu, the symptoms are very sudden. In a very short time, affected people feel sick, usually have a high fever and need to rest. In case of colds, however, the symptoms are not so severe. They occur over several days and do not tear the people with daily life.

Typical symptoms of the flu of the summer

Although the summer cold is caused by other viruses than the cold season, the symptoms are similar. The most common signs are:

  • common cold
  • cough
  • fever
  • chills
  • Neck pain, ear, limb and head

Gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Overall, the affected person feels cut off, tired and miserable.

Duration and course of summer viral infection

The duration of the acute phase of summer flu usually lasts about three days. If you have significant symptoms of summer flu, you should see a doctor. The same applies if the fever rises above 39 degrees.

An antibiotic will rarely prescribe the doctor for the treatment of a summer flu, because it does not help with viral diseases. It can only be used if the doctor has diagnosed an additional bacterial infection. In addition, frequent intake of antibiotics can permanently weaken your body's defenses.

Medication Treatment and Home Remedies: What Helps?

How to alleviate the symptoms of summer flu? Special tablets from the pharmacy or pharmacy moisturize the mucous membranes and thus help with anti-inflammatory and badgesic agents against sore throat and cough. The cough itself can be treated with coughing torments or expectorants. In case of fever, it is recommended to make veal and take antipyretic badgesics. Home remedies such as nasal rinses, ginger or herbal tea also have a positive effect.

Note that the body needs a lot of rest now to regain its strength. As tempting as the weather is in summer, for about a week, you should save yourself and take steps to strengthen your immune system.

How long is a summer flu contagious?

The viruses responsible for summer cold are transmitted by droplet infection. Sneezing and coughing spread the virus in the air. If the viruses have taken root in the body, the infection can take place even before the onset of the first symptoms.

The greatest risk of infection exists in the first two or three days after the onset of symptoms. Overall, there is a risk of infection about a week, depending on the state of the immune system.

Prevention: How to protect yourself from flu infections in the summer

To effectively prevent a summer flu, the following measures may help the immune system Strengthen:

  • Wash your hands several times a day with alcohol soap.
  • Drink at least 2-3 liters of fluid a day
  • Take care of eating healthy, rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid
  • Ventilate your premises and move to fresh air
  • Protect yourself from excessive sunlight and avoid sunburn.
  • Wear wet or sweaty clothing. not too long on the body.
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