Mediterranean vs. Nordic diet: Which method of weight loss is the most effective?


The Mediterranean diet focuses on fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil and moderate amounts of red wine – and is now the best known because it has many benefits for the health. In a study of the EPIC (European Foresight Survey on Cancer and Nutrition), researchers at the German Institute for Nutritional Research of Potsdam-Rehbruecke compared this diet to the Nordic diet.

Study of the points system

The Nordic diet should be healthy and environmentally friendly, with local foods from central and northern Europe in the center. Whole grains, berries, local fruits such as apples and pears, fish, cabbage and root vegetables, dairy products, potatoes and vegetable fats are among these. For example, those who were in the top third of all subjects with their berry consumption got two points, the midfielder got one, the third below any point.

The researchers used a similar score of 18 points for the Mediterranean diet. However, the categories were different: cereals and flour products (bread, cereals, pasta, rice), fruits and nuts, vegetables, legumes, meat, dairy products, alcohol and olive oil.

The Nordic diet is worse

27,500 people aged 35 to 65 years participated in the study. Over the course of about eleven years, researchers recorded 312 heart attacks, 321 strokes and 1376 new diagnoses of diabetes. The result of the study published in the journal "BMC Medicine": People with a Nordic diet are as susceptible to heart attacks or strokes as friends fries, vanilla ice cream and steaks of pork.

Compared with the two diets, the Mediterranean diet was badociated with a significant 20 percent reduction in diabetes. Rates of heart attack and stroke were also slightly reduced, but not significant. The cancer rate has not shown any significant difference in comparison.

The fact that the Nordic diet does not help per se can not be deduced from these data, according to "Ärztezeitung". Doctors complain about the quantitative construction of the score.

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