Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: The palace must prepare for divorce





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Meghan Markle (37) and Prince Harry (34) were married just 10 months ago. The two royals are expecting their first child, but the palace is already thinking of divorce.

London – The dream wedding of Meghan Markle (37) and Prince Harry (34) in May 2018 has reached thousands of people. Royale fans were delighted by the former actress “Suits”. The “newcomer” in the royal family has been under close surveillance ever since. Every appearance, every smile and every gesture is scrutinized, even lip readers are used in privileged moments. Still, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been tormented in front of the loving public. It seems that they can not hold hands. A baby will crown the amorous happiness of the Duchess and Duke Susbad.

Is this a problem with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry?

But behind this tenderly romantic backdrop, he should be powerful. Now the rumors of a possible divorce are making the rounds. As the Australian magazine “New Idea” claims, the palace staff should prepare for a possible divorce of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Crisis talks about the divorce would have taken place behind the walls of Kensington Palace.

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Video: Do ​​the Royals want to get rid of Meghan at $ 37 million?

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The initial euphoria around Meghan Markle seems to have disappeared. More and more often, there have been criticisms in recent months. The cool breeze expected in the British royal family has turned hurricane in the eyes of the tabloid press. It’s supposed to give Zoff between Prince Charles’s daughters-in-law. Meghan Markle is making enemies not only in the palace.

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Even the queen is tired of her diva behavior, writes New Idea. Elizabeth II (92) reportedly crossed a $ 37 million divorce agreement.

“She ordered us to give Meghan everything she’d ask for – money … and a title for her baby,” said one informant. In addition, the child of the former actress is even after a break in the UK remains and grows up under the royal eyes of the great-grandmother.

Video: Meghan and Harry: Is there a divorce already?

Prince Harry had denied the rumors of divorce with clear words. A separation would therefore take place “only on my corpse”. However, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will probably spend Valentine’s Day separately, as the Kensington Palace via Twitter says.

Prince Harry participates in an operation in Norway as captain of the Royal Marines. It is not known if the pregnant Duchess will accompany her on her journey.

The Duke of Susbad, Captain General @RoyalMarines, would like to participate in the Clockwork exercise to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bardufoss, Norway, operation on Thursday 14 February.

– Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 28, 2019

The experts of the nobility now suspect that the discussions on the crisis, if they have taken place, took place only as a precaution. The palace wants to prepare in case of divorce from Prince Harry and Meghan. The British royal family wants to do better than the separation between Prince Charles and Lady Diana.

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