Memmingen: Blind baby after shaking: father has six years in prison – Bayern News


7 min ago

When her daughter screamed too long, the drunk father paused and shook her so hard that she became blind. Now he was found guilty

  sandra-baumberger.jpg By
Sandra Baumberger

"How would you punish someone who has been sentenced to life?" A police officer asks a colleague during a break. He asks the question that the first criminal court of the Memmingen District Court asked for a response over four days of negotiations. What punishment is appropriate for a father who has destroyed the life of his daughter in a few moments?

Unterallgäuer, 37, reportedly lost control of the country in early January of last year: When the six-month-old baby woke up at night could not calm even with a vial, shook the seemingly overwhelmed father so much that the girl's brain was badly damaged. The consequences are serious: she has become blind, she is still suffering from seizures, she has to be fed artificially, she will never be able to speak or move autonomously and she will need help all her life. According to one expert, one should not expect an improvement in one's state of health, the girl will probably not know the adulthood.

"The worst consequences of an act are unthinkable in our opinion," said Judge Jürgen Hasler. For all that the two year old girl has suffered so far, there is only one responsible: the defendant. The youth protection office, which had many contacts with the family, was not to be blamed. He could not do more.

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The man had big financial worries

Because the mother of the girl and her older sister were mentally ill, the 37-year-old man had to take care of both alone. He was also very successful with his first daughter: the youth office employees described him as cooperative, reliable, confident and affectionate. But when a year later, the second girl is born, the trend is reversed: the help of the youth protection office felt the accused now as a further pressure he was more and more overwhelmed. Finally, there were also extremely cramped living conditions in his parents' home and major financial worries: tax debts and other debts, the former CEO of a company had accumulated a mountain of debts from 39, about 200,000 euros. This has contributed – in addition to the arguments with his parents and partner – probably with the fact that he has developed over the years to begin watering.

Also that night in January 2017, the accused was drunk. During the day he had drunk two or three bottles of beer and about half a liter of whiskey liquor, and according to the expert in psychiatry, dr. Andreas Küthmann at the time of the offense brought to a value between 0.36 and 1.56 per thousand. Given other load factors, a "significantly reduced control capacity can not be excluded". It was also considered in favor of the accused that he was at the beginning of the trial, that he had no criminal record and that he had never abused his daughters in advance. What serious consequences he had the tremor, he would not have been able to estimate. The chamber sentenced the 37-year-old man due to serious and dangerous bodily injury to six years in prison and also ordered a two-year therapy in a rehab center. She remained exactly between the demands of the prosecutor Thomas Hörmann, who had demanded seven years in prison, and the defender Michael Bogdahn, who considered that five years were appropriate

"The punishment in my head will be there until the end of my life "[19659010] The 37-year-old caught the verdict in a presumptuous manner. "One thing is the criminal law, that I want to ask myself completely," he had announced in advance and added in a shaky voice: "But the punishment in my head will be there until the end of my life. " His relatives apologize. "I am fully aware that what I have done can not be repaired," he says, thanking his father-in-law's partner. He regularly visits his granddaughter in the retirement home and, in the court's opinion, is also dedicated to sacrificing her.

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