Merkel sees the situation in the trade dispute very seriously


Berlin / Washington.

US President Donald Trump continues to fuel the global trade conflict, despite urgent warnings from German Chancellor Angela Merkel and corporate representatives. In a TV interview, he threatened Friday, with virtually all imports from China worth about $ 500 billion with special cases to prove. Brsen reacted immediately with losses. Merkel spoke of a very serious situation, which has meanwhile allowed institutions such as the International Monetary Fund to increase their economic growth forecasts. If the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, could not abdicate Washington Trump's house-promotions next week, the EU must consider countermeasures.

Trump is facing the huge trade deficit of China and China EU. For this reason, he has already fined for the protection of steel and aluminum – the People 's Republic and the EU have responded with comparable measures. The United States must be allowed to recover the bad trade agreements of the past. Yesterday, Trump gave in. "China, the European Union and others have manipulated their currencies," writes Trump on Twitter. He also mentioned low interest rates, while interest rates rose in the United States. CNBC also said Trump said he had $ 375 billion last year in China's trade deficit with China: "The United States has a huge backlog." He said that he was "ready to go to 500". It was apparently about US imports from China in the volume of 505.5 billion dollars. More recently, the Republican had announced that he was paying $ 200 billion worth of special goods for Chinese products. However, this has not yet been implemented.

China wants to retaliate

The Beijing government has not reacted to Washington's new threats in the beginning. In the past, she had always stressed that she wanted to protect and protect her country. The United States has already surpbaded Chinese imports for a total of 34 billion dollars, with Beijing at the same level.

Trump's economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, on Friday blamed Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to make progress in the bilateral discussions of the trade dispute. Trump will not let China go by, said Kudlow

The trade dispute with Europeans also threatens to intensify further. Trump is currently studying it's should not also show European vehicles with a 20 percent import duty on car imports. Juncker could try to dissuade Trump next Wednesday. These taxes would particularly affect German manufacturers, who are strong in the US market.

If the President of the Commission fails, Merkel believes that EU countermeasures are needed. "Of course, we only take action if measures are needed," said the head of the CDU in Berlin. "We do not want this object, we believe that we harm each other." But the EU must remain firm in front of Trump and name things by name. Autozlle is a danger to the prosperity of many countries. Merkel stressed that the world trade situation was "very serious".

Similar warnings also came from the German economy. The president of the DIHK, Eric Schweitzer, estimates that the damage caused to Germany will rise to about six billion euros, if we believe the US auto cells

Deep incision

and US jobs in danger, said the president of the German Automobile Association, Bernhard Mattes, to an honorable mention to the US Department of Commerce. The American badociation, which includes companies such as General Motors, was similar. Mattes emphasized the importance of German companies for the US economy. "Our members – manufacturers and suppliers – operate more than 300 plants in the United States," he said at the ceremony. German automakers produced more than 800,000 "made in the USA" vehicles a year and would have created more than 100,000 jobs in the country – just in production.

Brennen goes down

US President Trump on Friday the new tariff threat scares investors and sends them to the water. The Dax slipped in a few minutes of one percent, went with heavy losses at the weekend. The New York Wall Street also opened the trade in red, but then reduced their losses. "The markets are still reacting quite moderately to the impending trade war," said a dealer. "However, nervousness is high." With Washington's threats fell mainly the actions of Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW in the knee. At the top, the reduction was over three percent.

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