Meteorological trend for Germany: Alert to Ozone! Hammer at 38 degrees hits Germany – Regional News


Tuesday: heavy pollution by ozone

Values ​​reach 28 degrees in Munich. Thus, the Bavarian capital is Tuesday the shift in the temperature distribution in Germany. On the Rhine, it is 32 to 34 degrees of temperature and in Hannover and Hamburg, 33 degrees are possible. Radar and accurate forecasts: Click here and enter the place of your choice

In the east, temperatures will reach 29 to 32 degrees. On the coast, the sea breeze makes the heat bearable. Individual showers are possible along the Polish border.

High temperatures are not safe. In addition to the thermal stress, the ozone load increases considerably. The limit values ​​of 180 micrograms per cubic meter of air are reached or exceeded on the Lower Rhine and in the Rhine-Main region. Find the best forecasts for your location on Click here to download the application.

There is an ozone alarm. Physical stress should be reduced to the minimum necessary. The hottest will be Tuesday from Cologne to the Ruhr area. In the night of Wednesday, it is just cold. In the Ruhr area, it is summer all night long. In the city centers, the thermometer stops at 23-25 ​​degrees.

At such temperatures, sleeping is difficult. In the east and south-east, the values ​​fall from 13 to 17 degrees, in the west and north, there are many tropical nights with depressions of 20 degrees at night

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Wednesday: The heat installs

On Wednesday, the heat continues. In the Lüneburg Heath, the 30 degrees are reached in the morning. The maximum values ​​of the day are at 35 degrees. But there are some clouds on the way. Rain falls on low mountain ranges, but not much. Cooling is not in sight. At night, it stays warm.

This is how it continues throughout the week and it's even warmer. On Thursday, the maximum temperatures reach 36 degrees on Friday at 38 degrees. Then come the storms from the west, which bring a brief relief. But the heat continues even after the weekend.

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