Methbot and 3ve: A Huge Fraud Network Disabled for Ad Clicks


Technology companies and government agencies have collaborated and created an international advertising fraud network, the US Attorney's Office in New York announced. Operators controlled a botnet called 3v, which simulated large-scale advertising slicks. Eight people have been indicted on 13 counts, three have already been arrested. The allegations include: money laundering, computer fraud and intrusion into computer systems.

Job market

  1. City of Munich, Munich
  2. About InterSearch Personalberatung GmbH & Co. KG, North Rhine-Westphalia

The alleged fraudsters would have earned money through advertising fraud in two different ways: between 2014 and 2016, they should have rented servers and run the Methbot network. They simulated clicks made by real people looking at ads on specially designed pages. It is said that this has deceived advertisers by about seven million dollars.

In a later release – 3 – more than 1.7 million devices were infected with malware. The network was active from late 2015 to October 2018. Bot computers called websites via a hidden browser without the owner noticing. The damage is estimated at $ 29 million, which corresponds to unpublished announcements.

The malware is protected from discovery

According to a Google summary, bot computers have been infected with Boaxxe and Kovter malware types. Malware was released via infected attachments and downloads on the fly, as well as targeted computers not protected by security software to reduce the chance of detection.

Fraud has been discovered and fought through cooperation between companies and public authorities. The people involved involved Google and zombie network specialists White Ops, the FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security. On the German side, the cybercrime department of the BKA and the Saxon police have supported the operation.

By ending the scam, investigators have not only disabled the botnet domains and the command and control servers, but have also confiscated bank accounts in Switzerland.

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