Microsoft forces users to change version


In May, Microsoft released its new version 10 of Windows 10 1903. Anyone who has ignored the previous feature updates must now switch at the latest. Microsoft provides this with a forced update.

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As previously announced, Microsoft will begin mandatory distribution of its new version of Windows Update starting in June for users still using an earlier version of Windows 10. The background is that Windows 1803 support expires on November 12, 2019. To ensure the security and functionality of PCs, these and older systems will be replaced by the new Windows 1903.

Windows 1803 was released in April 2018 and has a good year. In the meantime, Microsoft has released two other feature updates: one in the fall of 2018, the other on May 21 this year.

Until now, users could manually trigger or delay the update. For PCs, which still work with the Windows version of previous years, the update should soon be applied. Only then will we be able to ensure that security updates will continue to be provided after Nov. 12, Microsoft says on a support page.

Which systems need the forced update and can be updated safely, so it should be determined with the help of a machine learning process. Users should not be active themselves, but they can not influence or delay the process. If you do not want to be surprised by the forced update, you must update manually. How to do this explains this photo exhibition,

Which version of Windows is installed on your computer, you will find it in the system settings under the "Info" menu option. If you see the version number 1803 or earlier, consider a manual update. The current version of Windows is 1903.

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