Migration: Austrian Interior Minister Kickl no longer wants asylum applications in the EU



Migration The Austrian Minister of the Interior no longer wants asylum applications in the EU

The EU has just agreed on a significant strengthening of asylum policy. Shortly before the meeting with his colleagues from the EU, the Austrian Minister of the Interior of the FPÖ, Herbert Kickl, goes even further.

A few days before the summit of the EU Interior Ministers in Innsbruck, Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl proposed a proposal: According to the Austrian Minister of the Interior Herbert Kickl, refugees should no longer be able to apply for asylum within the EU

If we want to put an end to the criminal activities of tugs, it is "logical that the" it says: the answer to this question must mean that asylum applications are now made outside the European Union, "said the minister. The right-wing government party FPÖ, however, spoke on Tuesday in the "Ö1 Morgenjournal"

. However, current EU legislation does not stipulate that asylum applications can be submitted outside the EU. The asylum is rather requested in the different countries of the EU. A humanitarian visa for legal entry should not be issued by the EU states in their messages after a decision of the European Court of Justice in 2017. For example, the German asylum can not be asked that in Germany

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According to Kickl, asylum should be mainly sought in countries close to each other. Crisis zone lie. At a press conference, he said that only refugees from neighboring countries of the EU should be able to apply for asylum.

According to Kickl, refugees from other countries should find it more difficult to seek asylum. In possible badembly centers outside Europe and in embbadies, the FPÖ politician says that no asylum application should be made. Instead, the commissions in the refugee camps should choose the "most vulnerable".

At the EU summit at the end of June, the 28 EU leaders agreed, inter alia, that it was necessary to consider whether refugee camps in countries third – probably also in North Africa – were to appear. From there, vulnerable people could be distributed to EU countries in cooperation with the UNHCR

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EU Interior Ministers arrive Thursday in Innsbruck, where they provide advice on, among other things, EU asylum and migration policies and the EU's protection of the external borders of the EU. German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), after presenting his "Migration Master Plan" Tuesday, wants to discuss with his Italian and Austrian counterparts in small groups on the sidelines of the summit.

Germany and Austria announced last week to close the so-called Mediterranean route for refugees. Austria has the presidency of the EU by the end of the year and can lead the agenda of the international community.

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