Migration in Europe: CSU increases pressure on Italy



Migration in Europe CSU increases pressure on Italy

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"The free movement of Schengen may be endangered"

It is about the future of Germany and Europe as agents in the world, which is in transition, notes the Chancellor. What the future of Germany is closely related, she puts here in her speech to the Bundestag.

Christian Kern of the SPÖ does not believe that Interior Minister Seehofer will succeed in his trip to Sebastian Kurz. The CSU was conducted by the Bavarian state election. He is now setting the tone towards Italy.

D The disputed points are not less: the parties of the Union have agreed on a compromise in the dispute over the asylum, but the way to put it implemented is still fuzzy.

Christian Kern sees little chance of an agreement between Germany and Austria on the issue of asylum. "I do not see how the compromise of the German asylum can serve as a basis for all that can be implemented," said the head of the Bavarian Social Democratic Social Democratic Party Horst Seehofer (CSU) Thursday to the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). ) campaign for the compromise of the Union in the asylum dispute. In particular, he wants to explore Vienna's desire to remove migrants from German transit centers from Austria and not wanting to take over the state responsible for the asylum procedure.

The former Austrian Chancellor irritated by the Seehofer course. here neither a legal basis nor the practical feasibility. In my opinion, it goes without saying that Austria will not take back refugees who have not been registered in our country. "

It is hard to imagine jeopardizing Austria with Germany." The goal was a pan-European solution, especially with regard to "a tiny number of refugees". " After all, we have been able to drastically reduce the numbers of migration to Europe, "said the former Chancellor.The Seehofer course irritates him." A state election in Bavaria may be important, but here to lead Europe into a crisis, for which no one really understands. "

See also

  Government of Germany

Markus Blume, Secretary General of the Party will not move away from its line.It threatened Italy, if the country does not accept a withdrawal of refugees and formally agree. " Italy must know: if there is no agreement on the withdrawal of asylum seekers, of which Italy is responsible, we will reject to the German-Austrian border, "said Blume of the" Süddeutsche Zeitung "

. in surveys

It is always better to work cooperatively rather than adversely. "But Germany should not be stupid if others refuse to cooperate." This Thursday, the head of the CSU and Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, wants to first talk about the problem with the Austrian government

. Blume Merkel (CDU) on the rejection of asylum seekers flourished with the words: "It was about the question: Germany is taking the same path as other countries in Europe have already gone? The UHC was not concerned with the provincial election campaign in mid-October, but "something much bigger."

The general secretary of the CSU was confident that the feeling for the Stagnant polls in polls were still alive to turn. "AfD" will learn how quickly popularity based on protests evaporates when a problem is solved. "The CSU could now say," We have makes the recovery of the asylum ".This was a merit Seehofers." That in the end he could decide the case in his mind will bring him an entry in the books. history. "

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