Millions of damage: Lebanese clan massacres steal luxury cars – Düsseldorf


Düsseldorf – The police and prosecutors, a few days later, once again dealt a blow against the clan crime committed in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Police chief Dietmar Kneib: "We have been investigating the Metzger investigation commission for seven months against a Lebanese clan, and all over Europe vehicles have been stolen, brought to Düsseldorf and taken down here. We are investigating commercial haggling, and in addition to Transport Commission officials, financial investigators and investigators have also been set up to fight organized crime. "

Clan members are accused of selling stolen luxury car parts, police said Wednesday. The damage amounts to more than four million euros. Previously, cars in illegal workshops u. at. were exploited in the district of Lierenfeld.

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Photo: police

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This BMW has been disbadembled in its componentsPhoto: police

In total, more than 100 cars or their parts were found, including BMW. The cars were stolen in Düsseldorf, in the Aachen region and in neighboring European countries.

An investigator: "We found parts of a car that had been stolen in 2011. This shows that the gang has been active for several years and we are currently investigating more than 15 suspects aged 28 to 60, with one exception. They all live in Düsseldorf, and within the clan there is a complex and far-reaching family structure, some of whom were already known to the police in similar crimes. "

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Photo: police

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Investigators found various car seatsPhoto: police

The police were informed by an anonymous note that stolen cars had been dismantled in Düsseldorf. An investigator: "At the beginning of July, we received a search request from Belgian colleagues, where a Mercedes was stolen in the Dusseldorf from the 8th to the 9th of July and we were able to secure the car with a search warrant. This has already been disbadembled for the most part, which shows just how professional the clan has been. "

A man (28) was arrested. He has already been sentenced to ten months probation for commercial authorization.

► NRW authorities are increasingly attacking clan crime. Tuesday only after a raid in the Ruhr area, four alleged members of a clan of Arab-Lebanese origin were arrested. The men allegedly exchanged trade and bandages with cocaine and marijuana.

"Police call on criminal clans to fight," Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) said in March.

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Photo: police

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The gang was targeting high quality carsPhoto: police

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