Minister for International Development calls African Commissioner for the EU | TIME ONLINE


Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) pleads for a new
African policy of the EU. "Europe is there, Africa too
The chance to miss a hundred, "said Müller of Rheinische Post ." An EU-Africa Commissioner, in which all
The threads of a coherent African policy converge ".

Müller does not mean mainly humanitarian projects: he pointed out, China
and Russia are currently investing heavily and securing themselves more closely
Raw materials such as coltan and lithium for the digital and electrical industries. The EU lacks Africa as a "continent of opportunities". the
The EU budget must finally define new priorities, instead of
Mentioning ideas from the 80s, said Müller. From 2021 to
In 2027, the EU wants to spend 39 billion euros in Africa. It's just a
A tenth of what was planned for agricultural policy – all in all, this is clearly not enough.

In addition, the EU must host the refugees
Transit centers close to African countries provide more information on the dangers of fleeing to Northern Europe. " He
Three times more refugees walk in the desert than in the desert
Mediterranean, "said Müller of Rheinische Post .
should be saved from this. With partners like France and
He wanted to strengthen Britain in Nigeria, Eritrea and Somalia
become active, ensure stable conditions there "and with illusions
warn of Europe ".

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