Ministry warns of epidemic


Stuttgart. Reddish brown pelvic fur, 7 to 13 centimeters long and in autumn with a huge appetite for mushrooms, seeds and fruits: it is the red chick, and the table for her is richly covered. 2018 is a year of fattening, oaks and beeches produce the most fruit. Formerly, livestock was the mast. But also red chickens are welcome. The mouse is the host and the transmitter of the hantavirus.

If there is enough food, the reproduction works. The population of red tits is therefore expected to increase significantly over the next year. Reason for which the National Health Bureau has sounded the alarm for 2019 due to an alleged increased activity of hantavirus. "Experience has shown that hantavirus outbreaks occur regularly after years of bees," said Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens).

Strong increase from April?

For 2019, the ministry plans more than 1300 cases nationwide, in which the virus could be transferred from the mouse to humans. For comparison, to date in 2018, only 36 cases of hantavirus infections were known nationwide. After the Buchenmast 2016, 935 patients with hantavirus were registered the following year. In 2012, there were more than 1700 cases, also after a year beech mast.

Ministry warns of epidemic
Rötelmaus is the host and transmitter of hantavirus. Photo: Rudmer Zwerver /

Hanta outbreaks generally begin with a slight increase in hantavirus infections reported in December, which continues in the spring. Starting in April, the number of cases will increase significantly until the summer, said department spokesman Markus Jox.

Especially in the forests of oaks and books of the north of the country and in a strip at the edge of the Black Forest along the Swabian Alb, the ministry expects many cases of infection. The district of Reutlingen is still a focal point, where the high proportion of beech forests favors the propagation of the red tit and therefore the virus.

Second, in Heidenheim district, the prognosis is relatively low for 90 infections. Recorded in the hazard prognosis of the Ravensburg Circle as well as the central and southern Black Forest, areas populated by numerous conifers.

To combat the spread of hantavirus, Health Minister Lucha has advised garden owners to ban large garbage and old piles of garbage thrown into their gardens. Rodents prefer to settle in small niches and crevices. They are also looking for nesting opportunities in garages, sheds and houses. The ministry recommends that any loopholes on buildings be sealed to minimize the risk of contact with the mouse and its excretions.

Infected rodents excrete viruses throughout their life by saliva, urine and stool. The remains can remain infectious for several days, even if they are already dry.

Hantavirus disease in humans is accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches. In some cases, transient renal failure may occur. When combined symptoms should be consulted with a general practitioner.

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