Mobile: This study proves the disaster of 5G in Germany


economy Ericsson study

These figures prove the delay of Germany in 5G

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Thomas Heuzeroth

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The mobile Internet is growing faster – there are still dead spots

The Federal Network Agency sharpened the conditions necessary for the expansion of fast mobile Internet. Telecommunications companies complain and consider the implementation as "unrealistic".

By the end of 2024, 5G fast mobile communications will reach 40% of the world's population. North America and Asia are progressing, there are already the first connections. Unfortunately, Germany will hardly be able to follow.

reThe next 5G mobile standard could prevail faster than any technology before it. This is the prediction of the Ericsson mobility report, which the Swedish network provider has now submitted. According to the fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G will reach more than 40% of the world's population by 2024. Increasing network capacity, reducing costs per gigabyte of data and new requirements for Use cases are responsible.

Unlike 4G, the next generation allows a data connection up to a hundred times faster. In addition, response times on the network are many times shorter. This is, among other things, a prerequisite for autonomous driving, in which cars communicate in real time with other road users and, for example, with traffic lights. But even smartphones will be connected to the Internet via the new standard. According to the Ericsson report, by 2024, 1.5 billion lines will be used directly by consumers on their mobile phones.

Source: Infographic World

Germany will auction the first 5G frequencies in the spring. By the end of 2022, at least 1000 5G antennas should be available per network. Current networks have 30,000 antennas and more in Germany. Germany should not be a pioneer of 5G. According to the Ericsson report, the introduction of 5G is led by North America and Northeast Asia. In the United States, there are already the first 5G connections. By the end of 2024, more than half of North America's mobile phone connections will be 5G accesses. In Western Europe, 30% of the lines.

In particular, growing traffic promotes the spread of 5G. Last year, the volume of data in the world grew by almost 80% in one year, the largest increase since 2013. In some regions, growth was still significantly higher. For example, smartphone users in Northeast Asia consumed 140% more data than a year ago, which equates to 7.3 gigabytes per month per device, enough for 10 hours of video streaming HD quality.

Source: Infographic World

North American users are even more hungry for data, consuming up to 8.6 gigabytes a month – and are thus able to broadcast two hours of video more than users in the northeast of the US. Asia. The use of the mobile Internet is likely to grow rapidly. According to the study, data traffic will be multiplied by five between 2018 and 2024. By 2024, a quarter of this data could then be exploited on 5G networks.

Statistically, every human being in the world now has a mobile phone connection, regardless of age, with a penetration rate of 104%. The study estimates that 5.6 billion people have 7.9 billion mobile phone connections. In fact, many people have multiple contracts, for example for a smartphone and a tablet.

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In early 2019, the frequencies of the new 5G mobile standard will be auctioned. The new technology is significantly faster than the current LTE or 4G network. Especially in rural areas, the hopes of new technology are great.

Source: WORLD / Matthias Ludwig

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